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Yevgeniy Zakharov edited this page Oct 13, 2021 · 2 revisions
namespace sqlite_orm {
    namespace internal {
        template<class ...Ts>
        struct storage_t;

Basic class used for interacting with sqlite database engine (libsqlite3). You do not have to create it explicitly with its constructor. Instead please use make_storage function.

Member functions


  • get - SELECT * FROM by primary key
  • get_no_throw - SELECT * FROM by primary key without throwing an exception in not found case
  • update - UPDATE by primary key
  • remove - DELETE * FROM by primary key
  • replace - INSERT OR REPLACE by primary key
  • replace_range - INSERT OR REPLACE by primary key multiple rows within single query


  • insert - INSERT INTO table (...) VALUES (...)
  • insert_range - INSERT INTO table (...) VALUES (...), (...), (...) ...
  • update_all - UPDATE without primary key
  • get_all - SELECT * FROM with or without conditions
  • select - SELECT column FROM with or without conditions
  • remove_all - DELETE * FROM with or without conditions

Aggregate functions

  • count - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM and SELECT COUNT(column) FROM
  • avg - SELECT AVG(column) FROM
  • group_concat - SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(column) FROM
  • max - SELECT MAX(column) FROM
  • min - SELECT MIN(column) FROM
  • sum - SELECT SUM(column) FROM
  • total - SELECT TOTAL(column) FROM



Child classes
