Interactive 3x3 iPad matrix for showrooms.
Content documents are placed in static_content and are named (C0 ... Cn) (.jpg | .mp4). The navigation screens (3-tile-png-images, 1024x461 for iPad air) are placed in client/9pad/resources/images. There is a GIMP template for the navigation screens in the script folder (page_template.xcf).
You will need a bash shell (e.g. cygwin) to create resource pages and carousel items.
In order to exchange the content of the application:
- Backup and remove old content (*.html, *.jpg, *.mp4) in static_content
- Place new content in static_content, named and indexed C(0..n).(jpg|mp4), e.g. C0.jpg, C15.mp4
- Place navigation screens into /client/9Pad/resources/images
- run the script in the script folder to create content pages
- run the script in the script folder to create navigation pages
NOTE: Since these scripts actually generate source code, the app will not run without running the scripts.
In order to install and run the system:
- Install Apache web server and node.js on the machine to act as a server
- Deploy the client-folder on the web server
- Place the server-folder somewhere on the same machine
- Modify the coordinator address in client/frontend.js to match the ip address of the server
- Start the node.js coordinator process: $ node server/server
- Point the iPads to the start page: http://server-address
- Replaced Content, cleaned up project
- Added documentation.
- Added index.html for easier client start and test of specific resources.
- Pulled out carousel items from CarouselView in order to generate them.
- Extended helper scripts.
- Replaced content
- Added helper scripts
- Added multicolor bubbles
- Implemented debouncing of carousel messages
- Implemented reconnect for websockets (working on chrome but not on iPads?)