This project bundles your Slack Moderator rules to create a docker image. This is useful to deploying Slack Moderator to things like heroku where volumes are not possible.
To create your own deployment of Slack Moderator,
- Check out this repo
- Copy your configs to the config directory as "config.js" and "rules.js" (overwriting the existing ones).
- Follow the steps for each deployment type:
Create the Heroku app if you haven't already.
heroku apps:create [MY-APP-NAME]
Login to Heroku container
heroku container:login
Push the image to Heroku
heroku container:push web
Release the image to start.
heroku container:release web
Build the docker image locally
docker build -t [MY_APP] --no-cache .
Login to ECR Registry.
aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region us-east-1
After running this script, this script will return a docker login command. Execute the returned command.
Tag the image with AWS Registry
docker tag [MY_APP]:latest [ECR_REGISTRY][APP_NAME]:latest
Push the image to AWS Regsitry
docker push [ECR_REGISTRY][APP_NAME]