Repo for the website and open-source platform of FOSS United. The whole platform is being built on Frappe.
- This project works the best on the latest Frappe Version v15. And is suggested to be installed on the same.
- Checkout Frappe Framework Installation Docs for setting up frappe on your bench.
- If you encounter a password-related error after installing MariaDB while following the Frappe installation guide—despite not setting a password—follow this DigitalOcean guide to reset the root password. If the
command near the end of the article fails, find the MySQL processes usingps aux | grep mysqld
, identify themysqld
processes, and terminate them withsudo kill -9 <pid>
. Verify that the processes are no longer running before proceeding. - Create a new bench with
bench init fossu-bench
- Clone the FOSS United Platform App.
bench get-app
- Create a new site
bench new-site test.localhost
- Install the App on the created site
bench --site test.localhost install-app fossunited
- Finally,
bench start
Checkout Access site in your browser for adding hosts.
Steps to install and run the FOSS United Dashboard
The FOSS United Dashboard is a centralised admin UI for all the users signed up on The Dashboard provides volunteers with the feature to manage all of the activities happening in their FOSS Club or City Chapter. Here are the steps to install and get the dashboard going:
- The code for dashboard is located under
. - Install and Build the dashboard with
yarn install
. - In a development environment, you need to put the below key-value pair in your site_config.json file:
"ignore_csrf": 1
. - Run the dashboard in the root directory of the project with
yarn dev
. - Dashboard will now be accessible on
For automatic running of linters before you commit:
$ pip install pre-commit
$ pre-commit install
Want to contribute to the platform ? Checkout the contribution guidelines.
Please checkout Security Policy for information about reporting a Security Bug or Vulnerability.
The repository has been released under AGPL-3.0. By Contributing to the FOSS United Platform, you agree that all your contributions will be licensed under AGPL License.