Ldaptor is a pure-Python library that implements:
- LDAP client logic
- separately-accessible LDAP and BER protocol message generation/parsing
- ASCII-format LDAP filter generation and parsing
- LDIF format data generation
- Samba password changing logic
Also included is a set of LDAP utilities for use from the command line.
Verbose documentation can be found on ReadTheDocs.
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from ldaptor.protocols.ldap import ldapclient, ldapsyntax, ldapconnector
def example():
# The following arguments may be also specified as unicode strings
# but it is recommended to use byte strings for ldaptor objects
serverip = b''
basedn = b'dc=example,dc=com'
binddn = b'[email protected]'
bindpw = b'secret'
query = b'(cn=Babs*)'
c = ldapconnector.LDAPClientCreator(reactor, ldapclient.LDAPClient)
overrides = {basedn: (serverip, 389)}
client = yield c.connect(basedn, overrides=overrides)
yield client.bind(binddn, bindpw)
o = ldapsyntax.LDAPEntry(client, basedn)
results = yield o.search(filterText=query)
for entry in results:
if __name__ == '__main__':
df = example()
df.addErrback(lambda err: err.printTraceback())
df.addCallback(lambda _: reactor.stop())
Ldaptor can be installed using the standard command line method:
python setup.py install
or using pip from PyPI:
pip install ldaptor
Linux distributions may also have ready packaged versions of Ldaptor and Twisted. Debian and Ubuntu have quality Ldaptor packages that can be installed e.g., by:
apt-get install python-ldaptor
To run the LDAP server (bind port 38942) from a repo checkout with the project installed:
twistd -n --pidfile=ldapserver.pid --logfile=ldapserver.log \ -y test-ldapserver.tac
- Twisted[tls]
- pyparsing
- passlib for Samba passwords
- six for simultaneous Python 2 and 3 compatability
- zope.interface to register implementers of Twisted interfaces