CAPRI-FAIR: Context-Aware Interpretable Point-of-Interest Recommendation Framework with Fairness Considerations
CAPRI-FAIR is a fork of CAPRI, a specialized framework implemented in Python
for evaluating and benchmarking several state-of-the-art POI recommendation models. The framework includes fairness considerations and is equipped with state-of-the-art models, algorithms, well-known datasets for POI recommendations, and multi-dimensional evaluation criteria (accuracy, beyond-accuracy and user-item fairness). It also supports reproducibility of results using various adjustable configurations for comparative experiments.
The figure below shows the general framework for running this module.
The paper can be found here:
Just clone this repository and install the prerequisites below, or in the requirements.txt
- Python >= 3.4
- NumPy >= 1.19
- Pandas >= 0.25.2
- SciPy >= 1.6
- PyInquirer >= 1.0.3
- Typing_extensions >=
The app can be run in the CLI using the
$ python --help
usage: [-h] [--reranker [RERANKER]] [--fairness [FAIRNESS]] [--provider_alpha [PROVIDER_ALPHA]] [--exposure_model [EXPOSURE_MODEL]] [--consumer_beta [CONSUMER_BETA]] [--evaluation [EVALUATION ...]] [--k [K]] model dataset fusion
positional arguments:
model Recommender model to use (GeoSoCa,LORE,USG)
dataset Dataset to test on (Gowalla,Yelp,Foursquare)
fusion Fusion method for the operands (Product,Sum,WeightedSum)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--reranker [RERANKER]
Post-filter reranking method to use to use (TopK,Random,ItemExposure)
--fairness [FAIRNESS]
Fairness context to consider (None,Provider,Consumer,Both)
--provider_alpha [PROVIDER_ALPHA]
Coefficient of provider fairness factor
--exposure_model [EXPOSURE_MODEL]
Coefficient of provider fairness factor
--consumer_beta [CONSUMER_BETA]
Coefficient of consumer fairness factor
--evaluation [EVALUATION ...]
Metrics to evaluate (Precision,Recall,mAP,NDCG)
--k [K] Number of recommended POIs to evaluate per user
Here is a sample command for running the GeoSoCa model on the Gowalla dataset, using a Linear provider fairness model and a provider fairness weight of 0.75. The Precision, Recall, mAP, and NDCG metrics are recorded, with the recommendation size k = 10
$ python GeoSoCa Gowalla Sum --fairness Provider --provider_alpha 0.75 --exposure_model Linear --k 10 --evaluation Precision Recall mAP NDCG
This generates both evaluation files and the actual recommendation lists for each user.
# The evaluation file containing the selected evaluation metrics - It shows that the user selected GeoSoCa model on Gowalla dataset with Product fusion type, applied on 5628 users where the top-10 results are selected for evaluation and the length of the recommendation lists are 15
# The txt file containing the evaluation lists with the configurations described above