Mike Mayfield's Text-based Star Trek Game from 1971
Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek_(1971_video_game)
Pete Turnbull's overview: http://www.dunnington.info/public/startrek/
Michael Sternberg's post with a list of "Noteworthy Variables Found in Original STTR1": https://16kram.com/2016/01/17/retrochallenge-201601-post-3/
Michael Sternberg's playthrough video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCul7V4Uios
Michael Birken's article on his C# port: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/28228/Star-Trek-Text-Game
Ahabs blog post with lots of screenshots: https://datadrivengamer.blogspot.com/2019/02/game-48-star-trek.html
Wikipedia article on startdates: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stardate
Excerpt from Star Trek Guide (April 17, 1967, p. 25):
Pick any combination of four numbers plus a percentage point, use it as your story's stardate. For example, 1313.5 is twelve o'clock noon of one day and 1314.5 would be noon of the next day. Each percentage point is roughly equivalent to one-tenth of one day. (...) Stardates are a mathematical formula which varies depending on location in the galaxy, velocity of travel, and other factors, can vary widely from episode to episode.
Despite the guideline to "pick any combination", the list of episodes shows stardates increasing with time in general, albeit with many instances of a number being lower than in the preceding episode.
Mike Mayfield's original HP BASIC 1972: http://www.dunnington.info/public/startrek/STTR1 (extracted from HP tape image by Pete Turnbull)
Wikipedia article on HP Basic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_Time-Shared_BASIC
Dan Veeneman's page on HP 2000 BASIC: http://www.decodesystems.com/hp2000/
Scans of a Quick Reference To HP 2000C/F Time-Shared BASIC, dated September 1972 (as found on Dan Veeneman's page):
- http://www.decodesystems.com/hp2000/HP2000_Reference_Card_side_1.jpg
- http://www.decodesystems.com/hp2000/HP2000_Reference_Card_side_2.jpg
Hewlett-Packard HP-2000 Timeshared BASIC Systems Documentation: https://www.mrynet.com/hp2000/documentation.html
- Reference manual: ftp://bitsavers.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pdf/hp/2000TSB/22687-90001_AccessBasic9-75.pdf
- User's manual: ftp://ftp.mrynet.com/pub/os/HP2000/pdf/2000E_UsersMan.pdf