A simple mobile app for Android and iOS devices that aids completion of input forms for physical addresses.
- User inputs a post code
- App fetches the list of possible addresses for that postcode
- App displays them as a dropdown
- App populates a form with the selected address data
- The app is built with React Native
- The app state is managed with Redux, and uses the following middleware:
- redux-thunk
- redux-logger, configured to be silent in dev_options
- The state uses immutable.js
- React Routing is not needed for this particular problem
- The list of addresses matching the postcode is provided by the getAddress api. For the sake of this exercise, the (free) api key has not been concealed. This could have been achieved either with a
file on the back-end, or using the native modules. - internal modules exported with
and imported viarequire
, whereas external modules are imported viaimport
- No backend is needed / foreseen
Composed of:
npm start
, which runs react-native packager
react-native run-ios
- Make sure you have an emulator / android virtual device configured
- Run the emulator with
emulator -avd <emulator-name>
react-native run-android