The Annoying Little Shit (ALS) is a piece of annoying kit that wakes up at a random point of time and buzzes loudly. It has a life of its own and should be small enough to be placed in hard-to-find places.
The device uses the AVR's watchdog timer as a periodic interrupt to wake up from power-down mode. This happens at an interval of 8 seconds. After waking up for a random number of times, the device makes a loud beeping noise before going back to sleep again for a new random number of wakeups.
The minimum sleep time is 60 minutes, and the longest is 26.6 hours.
In sleep, or "power down" mode, the device consumes between 5 or 10 uA, and when buzzing it consumes roughly 110 mA. Each buzz consumes 110 mA * 1 second = 110 mAs = 0.03 mAh, while 1 hour of sleep consumes 10 uA * 3600 = 0.036 mAh. The CR2032 battery has a capacity of 240 mAh. Assuming an average of 2 buzzes per day, this roughly results in a daily energy consumption of 24 * 0.036 mAh + 2 * 0.030 mAh = 0.924 mAh/day, or a lifetime of 260 days.
The firmware is written for the AVR ATTiny13. The design files for the device can be found here!
The firmware uses the following AVR features:
- ADC, to generate a random number based on a floating pin.
- Interrupts, to get regularly timed events and to get the ADC value.
- PWM, to get a regular interval to cycle the buzzer output.
- WDT, as a general system timer to save energy between buzzes.
- GPIO, to trigger the buzzer.
- CMake
- avr-gcc