Superfast React Native bindings for LevelDB:
- 2-7x faster than AsyncStorage or react-native-sqlite-storage - try the benchmarks under example/!
- completely synchronous, blocking API (even on slow devices, a single read or write takes 0.1ms)
- use it with Flatbuffers to turbo charge your app - support for binary data via ArrayBuffers
yarn add react-native-leveldb
cd ios && pod install
import {LevelDB} from "react-native-leveldb";
// Open a potentially new database.
const name = 'example.db';
const createIfMissing = true;
const errorIfExists = false;
const db = new LevelDB(name, createIfMissing, errorIfExists);
// Insert something into the database. Note that the key and the
// value can either be strings or ArrayBuffers.
// Strings are read & written in utf8.
db.put('key', 'value');
// You can also use ArrayBuffers as input, containing binary data.
const key = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);
const value = new Uint32Array([654321]);
db.put(key.buffer, value.buffer);
// Get values as string or as an ArrayBuffer (useful for binary data).
const readStringValue = db.getStr('key');
const readBufferValue = new Uint32Array(db.getBuf(key.buffer)!);
console.log(readStringValue, readBufferValue); // logs: value [654321]
// Iterate over a range of values (here, from key "key" to the end.)
let iter = db.newIterator();
for ('key'); iter.valid(); {
// There are also *Buf version to access iterators' keys & values.
console.log(`iterating: "${iter.keyStr()}" / "${iter.valueStr()}"`);
// You need to close iterators when you are done with them.
// Iterators will throw an error if used after this.
db.close(); // Same for databases.
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