Release 0.1.3
Release 0.1.3 introduces the following changes to existing tools:
- CallMolecularConsensusReads now produces detailed information about consensus reads in new optional tags
- MakeTwoSampleMixtureVcf now propogates the ID field from the source VCF into the mixutre VCF
- ErrorRateByReadPosition now masks out known variants, provides per-substitution type error rates and produces summary plots
- ReviewConsensusVariants now generates a detailed output file with a row per variant-supporting-read
In addition the following new tools were added:
- ClipOverlappingReads: clips alignments from read pairs whose alignments overlap
- FilterConsensusReads: filters consensus reads generated by CallMolecularConsensusReads
- EstimatePoolingFractions: estimates the fractional contribution of individual samples with known genotypes to a pooled sample
- EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize: estimates insert size distributions of RNA sequencing experiments in the presence of splicing
- CallDuplexConsensusReads: generates consensus reads from duplex-sequencing protocols that embed a UMI at the start of each read in a pair
- MakeMixtureVcf: generates a VCF for a mixture sample created from many individual samples
- FilterSomaticVcf: applies filters to VCFs of somatic variants
- RemoveSamTags: strips out optional tags/attributes from a SAM/BAM file to reduce size
- ExtractBasecallingParamsForPicard: parses an Illumina Experiment Manager sample sheet and generates the files needed to run Picard's basecalling tools
- ExtractIlluminaRunInfo: extracts information from Illumina's
file into a simple tab-delimited table