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This project is focused on performing an "in situ" refactoring of the
boto library.  By that I mean a refactoring on top of the existing
boto library.  By pulling in bits and pieces of boto within a newly
designed and refactored set of interfaces, we can hopefully:

 * Leverage the stability of the boto library
 * Maintain backwards-compatibility with existing boto users
   and applications.
 * Explore and benefit from a new design that makes it easier
   to expand boto to support new services.

Roboto starts with a different set of logical, hierarchical objects.

 * Provider (e.g. Amazon Web Services)
   * Service (e.g. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2))
     * Region (e.g. us-west-1 AKA region)
       * Endpoint (e.g.
       * Port (e.g. 443)
       * Path (e.g. /)
     * Request (e.g. DescribeInstances)
     * Response (e.g. XML data returned by DescribeInstances)

Almost all of the information about these objects is specified
declaratively using JSON.  These JSON descriptions are read in
at run time and define everything from which URL to talk to to
the exact format of a request and it's response.

Eventually, this will be packaged up properly but for now follow
these instructions to try out the current version of roboto:

 # Download the current source tarball by clicking on the Downloads
   button on the project page

 # Un-tar the tarball in your desired location

 # Adjust your PYTHONPATH environment variable accordingly, e.g.:
   $ export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/roboto:$PYTHONPATH

 # Add the roboto bin directory to your PATH:

   $ export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/roboto/bin

 # Finally, you need to add an entry to your boto config file
   (either /etc/boto.cfg or ~/.boto) that looks like this:

   json_dir = /path/to/roboto/data

I'd like to find a better way to handle this setup, perhaps in the
eventual installation script but for now this manual step is
required.  At this point, you should be able to test the roboto CLI
stuff out by trying out a few calls to the AWS IAM service using the
commands that are already in the roboto/bin directory.  To do this,
you of course need an AWS account that has signed up for IAM and you
need to include your AWS credentials in the ~/.boto file.  If all of
those conditions are satisfied you should be able to do:

$ iam-list-groups

and see some output, at least if you have any groups defined in IAM.
If you don't, you can just add the "--debug" flag and at least confirm
that it's successfully making the roundtrip to AWS.

Now, some details about extending roboto.  As an example, let's say I
wanted to add support for Elastic Beanstalk.  The first thing I would
need to do is create a JSON description of the service itself.  This
file would look like this:

    "name": "bean",
    "authentication": "sign-v2",
    "api_version" : "2010-12-01",
    "regions": [
            "endpoint": "", 
            "name": "us-east-1", 
            "description": "US-East (Northern Virginia)"
    "provider": "aws", 
    "path": "/", 
    "port": 443

The file would be named bean.json and would be placed in the
roboto/roboto/services/aws/ directory.  We would then need to create
the JSON descriptors for the various requests and also the small
command wrappers.  If you have an existing WSDL, these can be produced
automatically using the WSDL parsing utility.  The command would look
like this:

$ cd <dir where roboto src lives>
$ bin/parse_wsdl --json-dir roboto/services/aws/bean --bin-dir bin --prefix=bean --template=<path to beanstalk.wsdl>

This command would create a JSON file for each request in the
directory roboto/roboto/services/aws/beanstalk.  In addition, it would
create a small command wrapper for each request in the roboto/bin
directory.  If you don't have a WSDL to start with, you can try to
manually create the JSON files for your new requests based on the
examples in the services directory.  The command wrappers are very
simple and look like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import as aqs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    r = aqs.get_request('bean', 'ListAvailableSolutionStacks')

At this point, you should be able to try out the new CLI tools for elastic beanstalk.

cacao:roboto mitch$ bin/bean-list-available-solution-stacks
SOLUTIONSTACK	32bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 6	
SOLUTIONSTACK	64bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 6	


An automation layer on top of boto






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