To assemble a reliable and community accepted XT Dev Ecosystem, that can be utilized as baseline for development of each project with dependable quality standards. This "Universal React" boilerplate will not limit/restrict any team on further improving it, but ensure that projects are meeting minimum quality and best practices with this ecosystem. This ecosystem doesn't intend to provide a lot of out of the box code/components or features but a well configured development environment and delivery pipeline, having balanced focus to Static Code Quality, Performance, Processes, Security, Testability, Documentation and Best Practices.
- Development Environment: Storybook integrated for developing and showcasing components.
- Flow typed: All components are FlowTyped and Flow Type checked.
- Static Code Quality checks and formatting: Javascript and CSS linting using Eslint, Stylelint and Prettier.
- Component scaffolding: Consistently generate components using Plop.
- Documentation: Generates code documentation with ESDocs.
- Git Hooks: Pre-commit, Pre-push and pre-publish using Husky.
- Unit testing framework: with Jest and Enzyme.
- Babel 7 to transpiling javascript and releasing them as ESModules.
- Theme and Styling: with Styled Components.
- react
- next.js
- redux
Dependencies should be installed using the yarn command line tools.
yarn install
yarn run flow:install
flow:install will search the libdef
repo and download all the libdefs that are relevant for our project and install them for us.