OCDC is a data cleaner for excel spreadsheet files exported from OpenClinica.
It contains 4 major functionalities:
- Data Cleaning
- Category and Questionnaire Filtering
- Diagnosis, DOB and Gender Appending
- Undiagnosed Participant Filtering
- Download or clone OCDC
- Run 'cleandata.m' (found in datacleaner folder) in MatLab 2018b or above
- If you would like to append diagnoses to
- Open OCDC in MatLab 2018b or above
- Run (green arrow button or F5 (Windows)
- Select the Excel spreadsheet file you want to clean (must be an unedited excel spreadsheet downloaded from OpenClinica)
- Important note: OpenClinica currently exports corrupted Excel files. To repair a file, first open it in Microsoft Excel and re-save it as an .xlsx file with a .xlsx extension
- The excel spreadsheet will then be imported (may take some time)
- OCDC can identify questionnaires and categories within the datast
- If you would like to only keep specific data then click 'yes' and select the categories you would like to keep
- The dropdown list supports multiselection of items
- Press 'done'
- OCDC will now filter for the categories you chose to keep and remove all others
- OCDC can append Clinical Conductor diagnoses, DOBs and genders to the OpenClinica dataset
- This requires a participant list to be exported from Clinical Conductor
- If you would like to append this information, click 'yes' and select the Clinical Conductor patient list
- Enter the name of the diagnosis for that list of participants
- Press 'OK'
- Click 'yes' if you would like to remove any participants in the dataset who did not have a diagnosis appended to them
- OCDC will now export the cleaned dataset as an excel spreadsheet to the same location the as uncleaned spreadsheet file you first chose with "CLEANED_" appended to the beginning of the filename.
- If running on Mac, each Study Event will be saved as a separate Excel file with the Study Event appended to the end of the filename.