Development of a fullstack web-application using React, Node.js (Express+Mongoose), MongoDB using docker and docker-compose.
The goal of this workshop is to dockerize an web-application with all of it's existing components (Frontend, Backend, Database) and make it easy to run a local DEVELOPMENT
environment using docker-compose
Please note that in the master
branch you fill find the web-application base source code and each branch will introduce a new step toward our goal (with the presented challenge to solve and solution, or one possible path to solve it).
In the master branch you will find the web-application source code, to launch it locally without docker please follow the instructions:
Launch MongoDB database locally (either the host installed mongod OR if you prefer using docker)
docker run --rm \ --name mongodb \ -p 27017:27017 \ -v "$PWD/database/data/db:/data/db" \ -e MONGO_DATA_DIR="/data/db" \ -e MONGO_LOG_DIR="/dev/null" \ mongo:latest --noauth --bind_ip=
Install backend dependencies and launch backend api
# from repository root path cd backend/sourcecode npm i # npm start ## start node without nodemon hot-reload functionality npm run start:dev # test api response curl http://localhost:3001/api/healthcheck
Install frontend dependencies and launch
# from repository root path cd frontend npm i npm start # open browser http://localhost:3000 open http://localhost:3000
git pull
# step01 branch: Dockerize frontend/backend
git checkout step01
# step02 branch: create the initial docker-compose.yml (no live coding support)
git checkout step02
# step03 branch: wait-for script
git checkout step03
# step04 branch: live code with hot-reload
git checkout step04
# step05 branch: backend healthcheck and autoheal service
git checkout step05