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Luís de Sousa edited this page Jan 20, 2018 · 11 revisions

General info

PyWPS is one of the first implementations of OGC WPS standard on the server side, written in Python programming language.

During time, (geo-)python environment has changed a lot and we took this a opportunity to rewrite PyWPS from scratch, with experiences from our previous work.

We would like to offer several ideas, which could be added to new created PyWPS core, we are focusing on and we know, our users would like to see.

For more details, please join our mailing list

GSoC 2018 ideas

1. WPS 2.0.0 implementation

PyWPS supports OGC Web Processing Service 1.0.0. We would like to extend support for the newer version of the service: WPS 2.0.


Jorge de Jesus, jorge.dejesus geocat net
Luís de Sousa, protonmail ch

Required skills

Python intermediate coder with user experience in lxml, awareness of OGC Web services.


The candidate will be examined with a set of questions on the Python language with a focus on the lxml and multiprocessing libraries.

2. Publishing data to MapServer and pycsw

OGC WPS 1.0.0 Standard and its best-practice document enable to publish OGC OWS services as results. Naturally that would be OGC WCS and WFS (and WMS). PyWPS will never provide such functionality by itself, but it will use external services. In the previous version of PyWPS (3.x), basic support for MapServer was available (the source code is still relevant).

We would like to implement the automatic publication of OGC services through MapServer, as output data serving. This should be done using standard MapServer Mapfile configurations.

As part of MapServer OWS publishing, if a metadata document is available, PyWPS can publish directly to CSW given CSW's Transaction operation. Deeper integration with pycsw is also possible given pycsw is also a Python implementation.

Having a rich publishing workflow to data and metadata services from PyWPS is very attractive, with many downstream possibilities (GeoNode, QGIS), either directly in Python or via WPS proper.


Luís de Sousa, protonmail ch
Jorge de Jesus, jorge.dejesus geocat net

Required skills

Python intermediate coder with user experience in MapServer, awareness of pycsw and OGC Web services.


The candidate will be examined with a set of questions focusing on the Python language, the WPS standard and the MapScript Python API.

3. Preparing PyWPS for OSGeo-Live

To ensure and increase the visibility of PyWPS on OSGeo-Live more work needs to be done. The current installation script and the overview and quickstart documents should be reviewed and extended with further examples and best practices. Furthermore basic processing examples and a web client need to be extended and developed to demonstrate the benefits of providing web-based processing services based on PyWPS for different aspects.


Jonas Eberle, jonas.eberle gmx de
Luís de Sousa, protonmail ch

Required skills

Python as well as HTML/JavaScript intermediate coder, awareness of OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) standard, Knowledge of Unix bash scripting.


The candidate will be examined with a set of questions covering the Python language and issues related with the administration of a Linux system.