Matlab or GNU Octave users coming from other languages will benefit from the functionality contained within this user-developed, unofficial "stdlib" standard library of functions. These system, filesystem, and HDF5 / HDF4 / NetCDF functions are used across numerous projects.
Matlab R2019b is the minimum required due to use of arguments syntax. URLs (e.g. https://, s3:// and similar) are treated as not existing.
Self-tests can be run from the matlab-stdlib/ directory:
%% Matlab R2023a or newer
buildtool test
%% Matlab R2021a or newer
addpath .
Functions requiring or optionally benefiting from MEX are indicated in the API Documentation.
Build the optional high-performance MEX functions from the Matlab prompt in Matlab R2023a or newer:
buildtool mex
If just building MEX functions for the first time, to ensure the MEX functions are used instead of the plain Matlab script, one-time type clear functions
in Matlab.
Most Matlab-stdlib filesystem functions work without the Java interface. If Matlab was started without Java using -nojvm, most Matlab-stdlib functions still work. This CI job tests without Java.
Stdlib for Matlab was partly funded by NASA NNH19ZDA001N-HDEE grant 80NSSC20K0176.