Progress bars for markdown.
Have you ever wanted to track some progress in your markdown documents?
Well, I do, and I used
before but it was shutted down.
So I decided to recreate it.
Add it as an image in your favorite markdown document, like this github readme, and change the progress number at the end.

Note I'll try to keep this domain name up as much as possible, so wish me a long life 😁
If you want to customize the colors you can use this query params:
It will look like this:

And the results will look like this:
So if you want to host it and have your own domain, you can just deploy it on your preferred cloud.
It's straight forward for GCP but with some little changes you can do the same for any cloud since this is a simple function (or lambda).
Login and set the project in gcloud
if you are not already logged in.
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project THE_PROJECT_NAME
Deploy it as an HTTP Cloud Function with the Progress
gcloud functions deploy progress --runtime go119 --entry-point Progress --trigger-http --memory 128MB --allow-unauthenticated
Build the project so it downloads the dependencies
go build
Run it
go run cmd/main.go
You can visit the endpoint in your favorite browser, for example: