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Project Name

1-3 sentence description of this app's purpose.

Built by [Company Name] for [Client Name].

[Github] [CodeClimate] [Codeship] [Honeybadger] badges if you got 'em.

Technical Overview

It's easy to go overboard here, and it is also easy for this info to become out-of-date. I recommend omitting things that can be found out by viewing the Gemfile. Pretend you are telling another developer you just inherited an app, and they have casually asked you "Really, what's that built with? What version?", or omit it entirely.

  • Ruby version 2.x (see .ruby-version file for exact version)
  • Rails version 4.x (see Gemfile for exact version)
  • Database engine: PostgreSQL
  • Configuration: config/database.yml, config/application.yml, and .env
  • Template Engine: Slim
  • Front-end Framework: Bootstrap 3.x

Getting Started

We will need a few things before we even get started. On a mac with development tools installed, this should get you going:

$ brew install postgresql # if not installed already
$ git clone <this repository>
$ cd <this repository name>
$ bin/setup # and follow instructions

The configuration files that are copied over should be filled in from a trusted source and/or your own computer's configuration.

$ bin/rails server

More detailed setup instructions for OSX are in the file /docs/ Multi-platform setup instructions using a linux virtual machine with Vagrant are in the file /docs/

Git Workflow

Git workflow is documented in the file /docs/

Deploy to staging

One time only: Add git remote for heroku and pull down "staging" branch

git remote add staging [email protected]:appname-staging.git
git checkout --track origin/staging

Every time: Push to staging, update db, restart app, tag release, update remote repo, switch back to master

git checkout master
git pull
git checkout staging
git pull
git merge master
git push staging staging:master
heroku run bundle exec rake db:migrate --app appname-staging
heroku run rake translations:import --app appname-staging
heroku restart --app appname-staging
git tag `date +"%Y%m%d"`-`git rev-parse --short HEAD`
git push
git push --tags
git checkout master

Deploy to production

One time only: Add git remote for heroku and pull down "production" branch

git remote add production [email protected]:appname-production.git
git checkout --track origin/production

Every time: Check out production branch, merge staging, make db backup, deploy, update db, restart app, tag release, update remote git host

git checkout staging
git pull
git checkout production
git pull
git merge staging # or 'git merge master' if you didn't deploy first to staging
heroku pg:backups capture --app appname-production # snapshot the db
git push production production:master # this pushes the "production" branch as "master" to Heroku
heroku run bundle exec rake db:migrate --app appname-production
heroku run rake translations:import --app appname-production
heroku restart --app appname-production
git tag `date +"%Y%m%d"`-`git rev-parse --short HEAD` # don't worry if this complains about it already existing
git push
git push --tags
git checkout master # switch back to master branch

Notes & Tips

See what version is in production

git ls-remote production
heroku run bundle exec rake db:version --app appname-production

Download the latest backup to your local db

curl -o db/latest.dump `heroku pg:backups public-url --app appname-production`
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U `whoami` -d appname_development db/latest.dump

Copy the production database to staging

heroku pg:copy appname-production::DATABASE_URL DATABASE_URL --app appname-staging


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