This is an app that helps you find concerts based on the genre of your choice near you. It will provide all the neccesary information for the concerts as well as link to the ticket seller and the album covers of the related artist if you are interested.
Treehouse: Find All Your Local Concerts
As a customer
I want information about an event
So that I can make an informed decision as to whether I want to go to it or not based on certain criteria
When I open the app
Then I will be presented with inputs that take the user's city location and preferable music genre
When I press “submit”
Then I’m presented with the concert events matching my criteria
When I click on an event
Then a new section pops up showing informations regarding the concerts, including the availabiliy, artist's past album and a button to buy the ticket concert
When I click on 'buy ticket' button
Then I am redirected to a location where I can buy the concert's ticket
- Ticketmaster API
- audioDB API
- Fontawesome
- Materialize CSS frame
- Nick - HTML & CSS for page
- Daniel - HTML for page, AJAX calls for Ticketmaster
- Vinh - AJAX calls for Audio DB