is a tool to migrate media libraries and albums from Photoprism to Immich.
The tools scan the original photoprism files folders and upload all the images and videos on Immich using API calls. It also query Photoprism API to retrieve albums photo and create the albums on Immich.
It has a built-in feature for skipping already uploaded files and albums in case something goes wrong during upload, avoiding duplicates.
The migrate-album
and migrate-favorites
features draws heavy inspiration from ppim-migrator by user v411e
(photoprism-env) root@pve:/localhost# photoprism2immich -h
usage: photoprism2immich [-h] {migrate-library,migrate-album,migrate-favorites} ...
Tool to manage Photoprism library with Immich.
positional arguments:
Sub-command to execute
migrate-library Migrate Photoprism library and albums to Immich.
migrate-album Migrate a specific album to Immich.
migrate-favorites Migrate favorite photos to Immich.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
migrate-library help:
(photoprism-env) root@pve:/localhost# photoprism2immich migrate-library -h
usage: photoprism2immich migrate-library [-h] --apikey APIKEY --baseapiurl BASEAPIURL --originals ORIGINALS [-l LOG]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--apikey APIKEY API key for Immich server
--baseapiurl BASEAPIURL
Base URL of the Immich server
--originals ORIGINALS
Path to the originals folder
-l LOG, --log LOG Path to the log file
migrate-album help:
(photoprism-env) root@pve:/localhost# photoprism2immich migrate-album -h
usage: photoprism2immich migrate-album [-h] --photoprism_url PHOTOPRISM_URL --photoprism_user PHOTOPRISM_USER --photoprism_password PHOTOPRISM_PASSWORD
--immich_url IMMICH_URL --immich_api IMMICH_API [--album ALBUM] [-l LOG]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--photoprism_url PHOTOPRISM_URL
URL of the Photoprism server
--photoprism_user PHOTOPRISM_USER
Username for Photoprism
--photoprism_password PHOTOPRISM_PASSWORD
Password for Photoprism
--immich_url IMMICH_URL
Base URL of the Immich server
--immich_api IMMICH_API
API key for Immich server
--album ALBUM Specific album to migrate
-l LOG, --log LOG Path to the log file
pip install photoprism2immich
Example command for migrating library:
photoprism2immich migrate-library --apikey "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" --baseapiurl "http://immich.local:2283/api" --originals "/photoprism-originals"
IMPORTANT: if you want to import albums and favorites, first change the default Immich path library from /YYYY/MM/DD to /YYYY/MM
Example command for migrating ALL albums (if you want to migrate one album only specify here):
photoprism2immich migrate-album --photoprism_url="http://photoprism.local:20800/" --photoprism_user="user" --photoprism_password="password" --immich_url="http://immich.local:2283" --immich_api="aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" --album ALL
Example command for migrating favorites:
photoprism2immich migrate-favorites --photoprism_url="http://photoprism.local:20800/" --photoprism_user="user" --photoprism_password="password" --immich_url="http://immich.local:2283" --immich_api="aaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
Clone the repo
git clone
enter into the folder
cd photoprism2immich
source the virtualenv
source photoprism-env/bin/activate
install via pip
pip install .