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Releases: go-telegram-bot-api/telegram-bot-api


13 Dec 13:58
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What's Changed

  • 🚑 Fix ChatJoinRequest.From json tag by @zigmund in #500

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v5.5.0...v5.5.1


08 Dec 02:41
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  • ✨ Add support for Bot API 5.5 3f07c5f
  • 🚑 Fix a bug in ListenForWebhook where the channel would immediately be closed fde58e5
  • ✏️ Rename KickChatMember to BanChatMember as part of missed Bot API 5.3 change f2ef272


04 Dec 02:29
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See the site for information about upgrading from v4

What's Changed

New Contributors


08 Nov 19:37
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v5.4.0-beta.0 Pre-release

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v5.0.1...v5.4.0-beta.0

Bot API 2.3

25 Nov 05:57
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This release adds the new features and changes from the Telegram Bot API 2.3.

Please note that Telegram is deprecating the hide_keyboard field in favor of remove_keyboard.

Fix BaseEdit.values to allow editing inline messages

01 Aug 18:41
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chat_id and message_id should be sent only if there is no
inline_message_id (and vice versa), according to documentation.
Without this change it is impossible to edit a message by InlineMessageID, because chat_id and message_id are always presented in a query and the Telegram server tries to use them instead of InlineMessageID


General improvements

27 Jul 01:44
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This release adds the following new helper methods.

  • NewInlineQueryResultArticleMarkdown(id, title, messageText string)
  • NewInlineQueryResultArticleHTML(id, title, messageText string)
  • NewInlineQueryResultPhotoWithThumb(id, url, thumb string)

It also fixes a bug where update offsets could not be negative, which is a valid value.

Bot API 2.1

22 May 15:18
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This release adds support for the new chat methods as part of the Bot API 2.1. It also adds support for bots to get edited messages.

New fields for Sticker and Message

21 May 01:39
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This release adds the new Emoji field on Sticker and ForwardFromChat field on Message.

Fix ReplyMarkup on editing configs.

03 May 00:38
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This release fixes the ReplyMarkup on config structs for editing messages.