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XIVLauncher (abbreviated as XL) is a faster launcher for Final Fantasy XIV, with various available addons and enhancements to the game!
The original FFXIV launcher is slow and cannot save your password. This project aims to fix that and add some QoL features to the game, such as:
- 자동 로그인
- 빠른 패치
- 디스코드 Rich Presence
- 신속한 장터 가격 체크
- 채팅 필터
- 디스코드와의 채팅 브릿지
- 매칭이나 집사의 아이템 판매에 대한 디스코드 알림 등등...
최신 "Setup.exe" 파일을 릴리즈 페이지에서 다운받고 실행하십시오. XIVLauncher가 실행되고 시작 메뉴에 추가될 것입니다. 제거하려면, 제어판의 프로그램 추가/제거에서 제거할 수도 있고 시작 메뉴에서 XIVLauncher를 우클릭 하여 제거할 수도 있습니다.
⚠ 주의! 설치 중에 에러가 발생했거나 런처가 정상적으로 실행되지 않을 경우 반드시 먼저 백신을 확인하고 XIVLauncher의 설치를 위해 비활성화 하십시오. 많은 백신 프로그램들은 XIVLauncher를 바이러스로 오진합니다. VirusTotal에서 바이러스 유무를 확인할 수 있습니다. 만약 위와 관련해 도움이 필요할 경우 FAQ를 확인하거나 저희 디스코드 채널로 오십시오.
XIVLauncher supports the installation of plugins/addons made by third-party developers in-game.
Open the system menu in-game by pressing escape, and then select "Dalamud Plugins" from there. You can also use the /xlplugins
command in chat.
If the command is not found, or the options don't show up, make sure that the in-game addon is enabled in the launcher settings.
Please check out our exhaustive FAQ, you may find what you need there.
You can also join our discord at https://discord.gg/3NMcUV5 and ask our incredibly forthcoming community.
We put a lot of effort into ensuring that XIVLauncher is safe to use for everyone.
Please read through our FAQ entry on this matter if you want to know more.
XIVLauncher lets you use many community-created plugins that improve your game. Please check this site for a list of them.
To make your own in-game plugins for XIVLauncher, check out the API documentation and the sample plugin.
If you want to contribute to the plugin API itself, you can check it out here.
Special thanks to Mino for his hooking base!
We don't think so - our official guideline for plugins on this launcher is this:
Make sure that your plugin does not directly interact with the game servers in a way that is...
a) outside of specification, as in allowing the player to do things or submit data to the server that would not be possible by normal means or by a normal player on PC or PS4.
b) automatic, as in polling data or making requests without direct interaction from the user which could create unwanted load on the server or give away that XIVLauncher is being used.
c) circumvent paywalls, as in any attempts to bypass restrictions that require purchase to be lifted such as enabling access to mog station emotes.
We feel like that this offers developers the freedom to improve the game's functionality in ways that SE can't, while officially disallowing plugins that can give unfair advantages over players on other platforms.
XIVLauncher is not in-line with Square Enix ToS. We are doing our best to make it safe to use for everyone, and to our knowledge, no one ever got into trouble for using XIVLauncher, but please be aware that it is a possibility.
You can read through our FAQ entry on this matter if you want to know more.