This is an experiment to integrate jOOQ with MySQL Spatial.
Point point = new Point(...)
.values(1, "Lyon", point)
Point point = (Point)
Casting Geometry to Point is required because there is no way to determine Geometry type from column metadata.
Search cities located in France
Polygon france = new Polygon(...)
Result<CityRecord> cities = dsl.selectFrom(CITY)
.where(MBRWithin(CITY.GEOM, france))
Search to country containing Lyon
Point lyon = new Point(...)
Result<CountryRecord> countries = dsl.selectFrom(COUNTRY)
.where(MBRContains(COUNTRY.GEOM, lyon))
The Endianness used to read/write geometries to bytes is not configurable nor autodetectable yet
The GeometryConverter converts Geometry to/from Object instead of to/from byte[] because DefaultDataType.getDefaultDataType() is of type Object and Codegen produces:
public final org.jooq.TableField<net.gquintana.jooq.mysql.tables.records.TestGeometryRecord, com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry> GEOM = createField("geom", org.jooq.impl.DefaultDataType.getDefaultDataType("geometry"), this, "", new net.gquintana.jooq.mysql.GeometryConverter());