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Predicts adaptive introgression using a CNN trained on genotype matrices.


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Genomatnn is a program for detecting archaic adaptive introgression from genotype matrices, using a convolutional neutral network (CNN). The CNN is trained with the tensorflow deep learning framework, on simulations produced by the SLiM engine in stdpopsim. The trained CNN can then be used to predict genomic windows of adaptive introgression from empirical datasets in the vcf or bcf formats.

If you find this software useful, please cite: Gower et al. (2021),

Pre-trained models corresponding to the publication can be found in the pre-trained/ folder, and their predictions are in the predictions/ folder.


The most trouble-free way to use genomatnn is with a conda virtual environment. We assume you are using Linux. MacOS may also work, but this only been minimally tested.

  1. Clone the genomatnn git repository.

    git clone
    cd genomatnn
  2. Create a new conda environment using one of the supplied environment files. Use environment.yml if you intend to do CPU-only training, or environment-gpu.yml for GPU-based training.

    conda env create -f environment.yml -n genomatnn
    # Activate the conda environment.
    conda activate genomatnn
    # If using an old version of conda, it may be neccessary to use a different
    # command to activate the environment:
    #source activate genomatnn
  3. With the conda environment still activated, build/install genomatnn.

    python build_ext -i
    python install
  4. Run the tests to check that installation was successful. The tests can take a few minutes to run.

    nosetests -v tests

Please open a github issue if you have any trouble, or the tests fail. Be sure to include as much detail as possible.


The genomatnn command will provide a concise usage summary if it is invoked without parameters. Alternately, the -h option will print more detailed usage information. In the text below, the $ indicates the command prompt.

$ genomatnn
usage: genomatnn [-h] {sim,train,eval,apply,vcfplot} ...
genomatnn: error: the following arguments are required: subcommand
$ genomatnn -h
usage: genomatnn [-h] {sim,train,eval,apply,vcfplot} ...

Simulate, train, and apply a CNN to genotype matrices.

positional arguments:
    sim                 Simulate tree sequences.
    train               Train a CNN.
    eval                Evaluate trained CNN.
    apply               Apply trained CNN.
    vcfplot             Plot haplotype/genotype matrices from a VCF/BCF.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Here we see that genomatnn has several subcommands. sim to run simulations, train to train a CNN, eval to produce evaluation plots for a trained CNN, and apply to predict AI on empirical data by applying a trained CNN.

Each of the subcommands may also be invoked without parameters to produce a concise usage summary, or invoked with the -h option to get more detailed usage information.

$ genomatnn sim
usage: genomatnn sim [-h] [-j PARALLELISM] [-s SEED] [-v] [-n NUM_REPS] [-l]
                     conf.toml [modelspec]
genomatnn sim: error: the following arguments are required: conf.toml
$ genomatnn train 
usage: genomatnn train [-h] [-j PARALLELISM] [-s SEED] [-v] [-c] conf.toml
genomatnn train: error: the following arguments are required: conf.toml
$ genomatnn apply
usage: genomatnn apply [-h] [-j PARALLELISM] [-s SEED] [-v] [-p] conf.toml nn.hdf5
genomatnn apply: error: the following arguments are required: conf.toml, nn.hdf5
$ genomatnn eval
usage: genomatnn eval [-h] [-j PARALLELISM] [-s SEED] [-v] [--no-reliability]
                      conf.toml nn.hdf5
genomatnn eval: error: the following arguments are required: conf.toml, nn.hdf5
$ genomatnn sim -h
usage: genomatnn sim [-h] [-j PARALLELISM] [-s SEED] [-v] [-n NUM_REPS] [-l]
                     conf.toml [modelspec]

positional arguments:
  conf.toml             Configuration file.
  modelspec             Model specification to simulate. If not provided, modelspecs from
                        the config file will be simulated

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Number of processes or threads to use for parallel things. E.g.
                        simultaneous simulations, or the number of threads used by
                        tensorflow when running on CPU. If set to zero, os.cpu_count() is
                        used. [default=0].
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Seed for the random number generator [default=1836563304].
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity. Specify twice for messages from third party
                        libraries (e.g. tensorflow and matplotlib).
  -n NUM_REPS, --num-reps NUM_REPS
                        Number of replicate simulations. For each replicate, one simulation
                        is run for each modelspec. [default=1]
  -l, --list            List available model specifications.

There are some options which are common to all subcommands, such as the -j, -s, and -v options.


From the usage information above, we can see that genomatnn subcommands require a configuration file. A genomatnn analysis proceeds through multiple steps, and each step needs to be configured consistently with the previous step(s). The most extreme example of this, is that the number of individuals that are simulated in the first sim step must match the empirical data used in the final apply step. While it may at first appear counterintuitive, this means that to do any simulations, we must first describe which individuals will be used from the vcf(s), and how these relate to the populations that will be simulated. The configuration file uses the toml format, and we provide an extensively commented example configuration.

Worked example

Here we provide a worked example for detecting adaptive introgression in humans, where Neanderthals are the donor population and Europeans are the recipient. Create a new working directory. We will use this to store the configuration file, the example vcf, and all output files.

$ mkdir ai_example
$ cd ai_example

Copy the Nea_to_CEU.toml, 1000g.Nea.22.1mb.vcf.gz, and 1000g.Nea.22.1mb.vcf.gz.csi files from the examples folder of your cloned genomatnn repository. We will also need the YRI.indlist and CEU.indlist files, which list the vcf's individual IDs for the YRI and CEU populations.

$ export GENOMATNN=/path/to/the/cloned/genomatnn
$ cp $GENOMATNN/examples/Nea_to_CEU.toml .
$ cp $GENOMATNN/examples/1000g.Nea.22.1mb.vcf.gz{,.csi} .
$ cp $GENOMATNN/examples/{YRI,CEU}.indlist .

VCF and populations

We will lightly modify the example configuration file. First, change the dir = ... line at the top to be the current directory. I.e.

dir = "."

Next, find the [vcf] section, and modify the chr = ... and file = ... parameters to be:

chr = [22]
file = "1000g.Nea.${chr}.1mb.vcf.gz"

This vcf file contains genotype calls for a 1 Mbp region on chr22, for the YRI and CEU populations from the 1000 genomes project, plus the Altai and Vindija Neanderthals.

Scrolling down the config file, we see the [pop] section, which describes which individuals in the vcf file correspond to which population labels. The possible population labels here are defined by the demographic model that will be simulated.

# For each population, specify the individual IDs in the VCF. This can either
# be a list of IDs, or the name of a file containing the IDs (one per line).
# The population names must match those used for the simulations.
# The order of populations given here will be used for the ordering in the
# genotype matrices. It's recommended for the donor and recipient populations
# to be adjacent in the genotype matrices!
Nea = ["AltaiNeandertal", "Vindija33.19"]
CEU = "CEU.indlist"
YRI = "YRI.indlist"


We are now ready to start simulating. We shall first list the model specifications that are currently defined by genomatnn.

$ genomatnn sim -l Nea_to_CEU.toml 

This indicates that there are two demographic models available for the HomSap species: PapuansOutOfAfrica_10J19 and HomininComposite_4G20. For each of these demographic models, there are multiple lines, which genomatnn refers to as modelspecs. These describe the different ways we can simulate a given demographic model. We will use the following modelspecs:

  • HomSap/HomininComposite_4G20/Neutral/slim: only neutral mutations are simulated, and SLiM will be used for the simulation (rather than msprime).
  • HomSap/HomininComposite_4G20/AI/Nea_to_CEU: adaptive introgression where a mutation is drawn in Neanderthals, passed to Europeans via admixture, and is then positively selected in Europeans.
  • HomSap/HomininComposite_4G20/Sweep/CEU: a selective sweep in Europeans.

In our configuration file, we see that these modelspecs are used in the [sim.tranche] section.

# The labels and modelspec(s) for each tranche. The network will be trained to
# classify data as coming from one of these tranches. Each tranche consists of
# a list of simulation modelspecs.
# Only two tranches are supported.
"not AI" = [

AI = [

Above, there are two "tranches" (or groups) described. We only support binary classification CNNs, i.e. prediction between two possible classes, and here we have described what the two classes are: condition negative is "not AI"; while condition positive is "AI". This means that when the CNN outputs a value close to 0, its prediction is "not AI", and when it outputs a value near 1, its prediction is AI. Each tranche is just a list of modelspecs for simulation, that will later be used to train the CNN.

So without further ado, lets do 1000 simulations for each modelspec defined in our config file.

$ genomatnn sim -n 1000 Nea_to_CEU.toml

While 1000 simulations are not enough for accurate predictions (above 10,000 for each modelspec might be reasonable, although more is better), we can expect that a CNN will learn from this quantity of data. By default, the above command will use all available CPU cores on the system. This can be changed with the -j parameter. It can take a while to do a lot of simulations though (you might want to leave this running overnight if you're running it on a workstation or laptop), so you definitely want as many cores as you can get. If you have multiple compute servers available, then you can run genomatnn sim independently on each system.

The output of each simulation is a tree sequence file, located under a folder hierarchy which is named according to the modelspec being simulated. E.g. as we run the above genomatnn sim command, the HomSap/HomininComposite_4G20/Neutral/slim folder will be created, and will be populated with *.trees files, each numbered according to the random seed that was used to simulate it.

Creating genotype matrices and training a CNN

We now want to convert the tree sequences into genotype matrices, ready for CNN training. Let's modify the configuration file once again, to set the size of the genotype matrices. In the [train] section, change num_rows = ... to read

num_rows = 32

This will resize the genotype matrices so that each haplotype is represented by 32 bins. The smaller the matrices, the less memory we'll use, and the faster it will be to train. 32 may not seem like much, but a CNN is surprisingly effective with even very low resolution input.

Given that we only have 1000 simulations per modelspec, we'll also increase the number of training epochs.

epochs = 15

And in the [train.cnn] section we'll decrease the depth of the network to 3 convolutional layers. Additional layers are really only useful for larger genotype matrices.

n_conv = 3

To convert the tree sequences into genotype matrices, run

$ genomatnn train -c Nea_to_CEU.toml

This command will search for *.trees files in the folder hierarchy corresponding to the modelspecs listed in the config file. It will split your data into training/validation sets (with approximate 90/10 split), convert each file into a genotype matrix, resize, sort the resized "haplotypes", and store the result into a Zarr cache. This process is done in parallel by default, which can be changed with the -j command. If you have a slow disk, then it might be quicker to run this with only 1 process. For fast disks, parallelism really helps. Your mileage may vary. Once complete, you should see a zarrcache_32-rows folder in the working directory. If you decide to add more simulations at a later date, just delete this folder and regenerate the cache. You can also change the num_rows parameter and generate an additional cache folder with differently-sized genotype matrices.

Now let's train a CNN!

$ genomatnn train Nea_to_CEU.toml

This will produce a file named cnn_*.hdf5, with the random seed that was used in the name, e.g. cnn_3029321311.hdf5. By default, the train subcommand will let tensorflow decide whether to do training on the GPU(s) (if available), or CPUs. Tensorflow is greedy though, and will use all available GPUs. Tensorflow can be coaxed into using a specific GPU by setting the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable to that GPU. If no GPUs are found, tensorflow will use all available CPUs. If you'd like to use fewer CPUs for training, use the -j parameter when calling genomatnn train.

Evaluating the CNN.

In the previous step, we trained a CNN on just a handful of simulations. Probably when you trained this, the training accuracy quickly saturated at 1.0, indicating severe overfit. This is best overcome by feeding the CNN with more simulations. Once you're happy with the loss/accuracy metrics reported by tensorflow, its a good idea to check the confusion matrix, ROC curve, etc. on your validation dataset. Genomatnn automatically plots these after the model has been trained, and they can be found in a folder name for the trained model (e.g. if the model is cnn_3029321311.hdf5, the folder will be cnn_3029321311).

Predicting adaptive introgression on empirical data

Apply the trained CNN to the vcf(s) listed in the config file with the apply subcommand.

$ genomatnn apply Nea_to_CEU.toml cnn_3029321311.hdf5

By default, this will use all CPU cores on your system for conversion of vcf data into genotype matrices. If your disk is fast, this is very quick. If your disk is slow though, you probably want to use fewer CPU cores with the -j parameter.

This will output two files: cnn_3029321311/predictions.txt and cnn_3029321311/predictions.pdf. The former contains tab-separated regions and a probability for each region. The latter is a Manhattan plot of the results (this won't make sense for the example vcf file, sorry).

Using the pre-trained CNNs

The pre-trained/ folder contains trained CNNs, for which results were presented in Gower et al. (2021). These models can be used to make predictions on new datasets following the instructions in the previous section. However, if you attempt to do this without first simulating any data, genomatnn will produce an error, e.g.

RuntimeError: zarrcache_256-rows doesn't exist

By default, genomatnn will try to calibrate the model predictions using the training simulations to fit the Beta calibrator. If the training simulations don't exist, an error will be raised. To disable calibration, add the following line to the toplevel of the configuration file.

calibration = "None"


  • Try adding the -v parameter to any genomatnn subcommand you're having trouble with.
  • Open a github issue, and please include as much detail as possible.


Predicts adaptive introgression using a CNN trained on genotype matrices.




