A plugin to help spice up your text documentation, for NeoVim using the remote plugin feature.
Disclaimer: very WIP! Expect things to break and stuff not to work flawlessly until I can release a stable version.
- Boxes with variable padding
- Arrows
- Circles?
- Triangles?
- NeoVim
- Python3
If you're using vim-plug:
Plug 'gsass1/ascii.nvim'
After installing execute :UpdateRemotePlugins
to register the Python3 plugin files.
Put this somewhere in your config:
let g:ascii_default_hpadding = 1
let g:ascii_default_vpadding = 1
let g:ascii_hline_char = "-"
let g:ascii_vline_char = "|"
let g:ascii_corner_char = "+"
Put an ASCII box around a selection.
Usage: :Box --hpadding=HPADDING --vpadding=VPADDING
Bind it: vnoremap <F3> :Box<CR>