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The repository for a Collaboration for the GWSC in 2022.




Topic 1 (Signal Processing)

See also Ti_Gong's topic1 and Yunlong_Liu's topic1


Signals from Wenyuan Guo (ralspi)


FFT FFT from Wenyuan Guo (ralspi)

Time-frequency relation Spe from Wenyuan Guo (ralspi)


With the filter designed by us in ThreeSignalsFiltering.m, we can filter signals s into three signals: filter where red line represents the filtered signals, blue line represents the orginal signal.

Topic 2 (GW Signals)

We can see the folder GWSIG for previous results

Antenna Pattern Function (APF)

With the code testdetframefpfc_psi.m, we can plot APF as APF


For a sine signal, sin


Accoring to Soumya D. Mohanty's code, using code LISA_animation.m, combining its APF, we can plot a GIF file to show the orbit and APF of LISA LISA orbit APF from Yunlong Liu.

An example of APF of LISA as the function of position (phase Phi) of LISA for two TDI detector tensor I and II under a centrain source location (theta, phi) with code testdetframefpfc_psi_LISA.m LISA_APF For a sine h+ and hx signal, its response is shown as (without Doppler effect) LISA_response

Topic 3 (Noise)

We can see the folder NOISE

Topic 4 (The signal detection and estimation in noise)

For sine signal, for 1000 realizations, SNR from MU Bo.

sig noise from MU Bo.

For LTC signal, FFT LTC Spe LTC

Also see Ti_Gong's topic4 and Mu Bo's lab4 set4

Topic 5 (GLRT Optimization)

With test_crcbpso.m fitness function is Sigma_i((x_i-35.5)^2-10cos(2pi*x)+10) Best Locs The best location is (35.0025, 35.0025)

Use test_crcbqcpso.m to find signal, qcsignal Estimated parameters: a1=9.6224; a2=4.2643; a3=2.048

Topic 6 (Application)

Modified the codes from He Wang's PSO python demo, for data TrainingData.mat and analysisData.mat, using code demo.ipynb we can find the signal, with parameters a1=51.3605915101784; a2=28.832078856931652; a3=10.308191421692223; SNR=9.056993402304737. And the signal is shown as signal For data TrainingDataTF.mat and AnalysisDataTF.mat, using code demo-TF.ipynb we can find the signal, with parameters a1=51.73239824255724; a2=28.361217432284324; a3=10.454001420382449; SNR=15.087237883981299. And the signal is shown as signalTF

(key: a1=50;a2=30;a3=10 SNR=8.4 or 15(TF) from Xiaobo)


Some lecture notes can see this link. Codes can refer to Soumya D. Mohanty's GWSC, and DATASCIENCE_COURSE. Some codes and materials can also see GWSC_NAOC in last year.

The repositories for other groups are GWSC22-LNNU-ET-AL and GravitionalWaves.


A Collaboration for GWSC in 2022






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