the plugin allows grails developers to query domain objects using native groovy closures.
Book.findAll{ book ->"%dawkins%") && book.state == Book.ACTIVE }
Book.count{ book ->"%Dawkins%") && book.releaseDate.year() > 2009 }
Using an AST Transformation, the AST Tree for the closure is retained in the generated class. Later , this AST tree is used in runtime to generate the HQL query.
as usual:
grails install-plugin gorm-native-finders
- mathematical operators: +, -, *, /
- binary comparison operators: =, >=, <=, <>, !=, like
- logical operations &&, ||, !
- Parentheses ( ) that indicates grouping
- second(...), minute(...), hour(...), day(...), month(...), and year(...)
- Any function or operator defined by EJB-QL 3.0: substring(), trim(), lower(), upper(), length(), locate(), abs(), sqrt(), bit_length(), mod()
- str() for converting numeric or temporal values to a readable string
- Only hibernate datasource is supported.
- Support for multiple datasources
- spring-data-mapping integration
- Pagination and sorting
- improve compilation error reporting.
the plugin is tested with Grails 1.3 and Grails 2
- add support for HQL functions ( substring(), trim(), lower(), day() ... etc )
- add count method e.g. Account.count{ account -> account.branch == "London" && account.state == 1 }
- add support for implicit joins e.g. find { Account account -> = 123456 }
- initial release