###Final project
Map to the Future is a map displaying historical events, with a slider that allows to change the current date.
Each historical event is represented by a marker, and can be clicked to display a pop up providing additional information and links about the event.
The website allows you to upload your own historical events.
This was our final project at Makers Academy, created by:
- Dave Wickes (GypsyDave5)
- Tatiana Soukiassian (binaryberry)
- Merve Silk (Mervodactyl)
- Lovis Schultze (NineInchNade)
During the two weeks it took us to create the app, we used agile techniques such as:
- Kanban
- Retrospective
- Pair Programming
- Compulsory morning hug!
####Technologies Used
- Ruby
- Sinatra
- Javascript
- RSpec
- Cucumber
- Capybara
- Mapbox
- Leaflet
- JQuery
- jQueryUI
####Launching the app
A version of the app with sample data is currently live on Heroku.