- put resource ( to fork db )
- as normalized RDF
- get resource ( from fork db )
- as expanded JSON-LD
- import data ( to fork db from JSON-LD with graph names )
- export data ( from fork db - the whole account to JSON-LD with graph names )
- create idp account ( with default container rel: "sec:publicKey" )
- /(:uuid)#id - identity
- /(:uuid)/ - dataset, void:uriSpace, ws:uriPrefix
- /(:uuid)/(:uuid) - Resources/Containers in dataset
- add profile (in a workspace) for identity
- create workspace account ( with containers, including one for activities rev: "as:actor" )
- /(:uuid)/ - dataset, void:uriSpace, ws:uriPrefix
- /(:uuid)/(:uuid) - Resources/Containers in dataset
- create a new container in an existing dataset
- verify signature
gulp db:get --config /path/to/service/config.json --uri https://foo.example
gulp db:put --config /path/to/service/config.json --uri https://foo.example --path /path/to/file.jsonld
gulp db:import --config /path/to/service/config.json --path /path/to/file.jsonld
gulp idp:new --config /path/to/service/config.json --name 'Justine Testing'
gulp idp:add:key --config /path/to/service/config.json --identity https://idp.example/ba7afc12-99fe-4f19-bbc1-4b18914f2cf9#id --pem /path/to/pubkey.pem
gulp idp:add:profile --config /path/to/service/config.json --identity https://idp.example/ba7afc12-99fe-4f19-bbc1-4b18914f2cf9#id --profile https://ws.example/82301ed4-fe79-4372-8b04-e5a9d45101be/9bfa1cae-a330-4686-b930-daa3d1f2c428
gulp ws:new --config /path/to/service/config.json --identity https://idp.example/ba7afc12-99fe-4f19-bbc1-4b18914f2cf9#id
- o-utils-dataset
- o-storage-forkdb
- o-api-client
- gulp
- yargs
- lodash
- uuid
- jsonld
- jsonld-signatures