[1.1]: http://i.imgur.com/tXSoThF.png (twitter icon with padding)
[1]: https://twitter.com/flycouchdb
[2]: https://twitter.com/haduart
It's a real example of how to run FlyCouchDB[![alt text][1.1]][1] migrations tool.
Build it:
lein do clean, uberjar
And run it:
lein run
java -jar flycouchdb-example-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
Be sure that you have CouchDB up and running 😉
Appreciations go out to:
- Eduard Cespedes Borras[![alt text][1.1]][2]
- Roberto Barchino Garrido
- Igor Ruzanov
- Jeroen Hoekx
This project is sponsored by D square N.V
BSD. See the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.