- In this project, I learned all the various ways to interface various sensors to measure and sense real world data and manipulate them acordingly.
- Understanding the fundamentals for engineering electronic interfaces between the physical world and digital devices and their corresponding data.
- Developing an understanding of the building blocks of electronics.
- Analyze, design, and build different parts of a robot from scratch.
- Module 1. Power Supply
- Voltage Regulator
- 10 μf capacitors
- Module 2. Light Sensor
- Photocells + Comparators
- 2.7 KΩ resistors
- LM358
- LEDs
- 300 Ω current-limiting resistors
- Module 3. Buzzer Driver
- LM358
- speaker
- Module 4. Microphone Amplifier
- Electret mic
- 10 kOhm resistors
- 2.7 kΩ resistor
- 100 kΩ resistor
- 1 μF cap
- LM358
- Module 5. Motor Drivers
- DC motors
- IN4001 diodes
- steel nuts
- PN2222 NPN transistors
- 1 kΩ resistors
# _________ ___ ___ .__ .___
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# Start Of Program---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description; Final code that runs the robot
// Saurav Haldar
// March 23, 2015
int PBLOCK = 11; // set PBLOCK as P1.1 alias
int BUZZER = 2; // set BUZZER as P1.3 alias
int LMOTOR = 3; // set LMOTOR as P2.1 alias
int RMOTOR = 5; // set RMOTOR as P1.6 alias
int LPHOTO = 8; // set LPHOTO as P1.2 alias
int RPHOTO = 13; // set RPHOTO as P1.7 alias
int MICINP = A0; // set MICINP as A5 alias
int LED3 = 4; // MicroPhone led
int MPOW = 230; // set motors to use 50% PWM (possible values 0-255)
int MICTHRESH = 20; // set microphone trigger threshold (possible values 0-1023)
int i;
int val;
int maxval;
void setup()
// set outputs
// set inputs
void loop()
analogWrite(LMOTOR,0); // turn off both motors
// Step 1: beep a bunch of times!
for (i=1; i<5; i++)
beep(BUZZER, 1000, 100*i);
// Step 2: listen to the microphone for ~100 ms
maxval = 0;
for (i=1; i<100; i++)
val = analogRead(MICINP);
if (val >= 20) // if digitized value is above 560,
digitalWrite(LED3, HIGH); // turn on the LED...
digitalWrite(LED3, LOW);
if (val > maxval)
maxval = val;
// If the largest voltage detected is above 1.94 V (3.3*600/1023),
// commence the "beep dance" response
if (maxval > MICTHRESH)
// Make the "siren" noise by alternating 1200 Hz and 800 Hz tones
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
beep(BUZZER, 1200, 100);
beep(BUZZER, 800, 100);
// Shake motors back and forth rapidly
for (i=0; i<3; i++)
analogWrite(RMOTOR, MPOW);
analogWrite(RMOTOR, 0);
analogWrite(LMOTOR, MPOW);
analogWrite(LMOTOR, 0);
// Make a series of tones with increasing frequency from 300-100 Hz
// then come back down
for (i=30; i<100; i+=1)
beep(BUZZER, 10*i, 10);
for (i=100; i>30; i-=1)
beep(BUZZER, 10*i, 10);
// Step 3: read the status of photocells and adjust motor output
digitalWrite(PBLOCK, HIGH); // supply 3.3V to the power rail
delayMicroseconds(20); // delay briefly to allow comparator outputs to settle
if (digitalRead(LPHOTO)==HIGH) // check each photocell/circuit output and determine
analogWrite(LMOTOR, MPOW);
if (digitalRead(RPHOTO)==HIGH)
analogWrite(RMOTOR, MPOW);
digitalWrite(PBLOCK, LOW); // turn the power-blocked rail off
delay(500); // wait 500 ms
void beep(int pin, int freq, long ms) //generate a square wave at a given frequency for ms miliseconds
int k;
long semiper = (long) (1000000/(freq*2));
long loops = (long)((ms*1000)/(semiper*2));
for (k=0;k<loops;k++)
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); //set buzzer pin high
delayMicroseconds(semiper); //for half of the period
digitalWrite(pin, LOW); //set buzzer pin low
delayMicroseconds(semiper); //for the other half of the period