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Development of a Line following robot, which responds to light and sound, interfacing microphone, DC motors, LDR's, LED's, speaker with Arduino. Using MOSFET and BJT to amplify to drive the motors, and using LM358 as an audio amplifier.

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Light and sound responsive line following robot

The final Robot!

  • In this project, I learned all the various ways to interface various sensors to measure and sense real world data and manipulate them acordingly.
  • Understanding the fundamentals for engineering electronic interfaces between the physical world and digital devices and their corresponding data.
  • Developing an understanding of the building blocks of electronics.
  • Analyze, design, and build different parts of a robot from scratch.

Block Diagram


Flow Chart


Various Module and their Parts

robot layout!

  1. Module 1. Power Supply
  • Voltage Regulator
  • 10 μf capacitors

robot layout!

Yes, thats a homemade power supply :)

robot layout!

  1. Module 2. Light Sensor
  • Photocells + Comparators
  • 2.7 KΩ resistors
  • LM358
  • LEDs
  • 300 Ω current-limiting resistors

circuit on breadboard! robot layout!

  1. Module 3. Buzzer Driver
  • LM358
  • speaker

robot layout!

  1. Module 4. Microphone Amplifier
  • Electret mic
  • 10 kOhm resistors
  • 2.7 kΩ resistor
  • 100 kΩ resistor
  • 1 μF cap
  • LM358

robot layout! robot layout!

  1. Module 5. Motor Drivers
  • DC motors
  • IN4001 diodes
  • steel nuts
  • PN2222 NPN transistors
  • 1 kΩ resistors

robot layout! robot layout!

Final Code:

#  _________                                         ___ ___          .__       .___                
# /   _____/_____    __ __ _______ _____   ___  __  /   |   \ _____   |  |    __| _/_____   _______ 
# \_____  \ \__  \  |  |  \\_  __ \\__  \  \  \/ / /    ~    \\__  \  |  |   / __ | \__  \  \_  __ \
# /        \ / __ \_|  |  / |  | \/ / __ \_ \   /  \    Y    / / __ \_|  |__/ /_/ |  / __ \_ |  | \/
#/_______  /(____  /|____/  |__|   (____  /  \_/    \___|_  / (____  /|____/\____ | (____  / |__|   
#       \/      \/                     \/                \/       \/            \/      \/         

# Start Of Program---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//  Description; Final code that runs the robot
//  Saurav Haldar
//  March  23, 2015

int PBLOCK = 11;  // set PBLOCK as P1.1 alias
int BUZZER = 2;   // set BUZZER as P1.3 alias
int LMOTOR = 3;   // set LMOTOR as P2.1 alias
int RMOTOR = 5;   // set RMOTOR as P1.6 alias
int LPHOTO = 8;  // set LPHOTO as P1.2 alias
int RPHOTO = 13;  // set RPHOTO as P1.7 alias
int MICINP = A0;  // set MICINP as A5   alias
int LED3   = 4;   // MicroPhone led 

int MPOW   = 230;   // set motors to use 50% PWM (possible values 0-255)
int MICTHRESH = 20; // set microphone trigger threshold (possible values 0-1023)

int i;
int val;
int maxval;

void setup()

  // set outputs
  pinMode(LMOTOR, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RMOTOR, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(BUZZER, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PBLOCK, OUTPUT);

  // set inputs
  pinMode(LPHOTO, INPUT);
  pinMode(RPHOTO, INPUT);


void loop()
  analogWrite(LMOTOR,0);        // turn off both motors 

  // Step 1: beep a bunch of times!
  for (i=1; i<5; i++)
    beep(BUZZER, 1000, 100*i);

  // Step 2: listen to the microphone for ~100 ms
  maxval = 0;
  for (i=1; i<100; i++)
    val = analogRead(MICINP);
    if (val >= 20)            // if digitized value is above 560,
    digitalWrite(LED3, HIGH); // turn on the LED...
    digitalWrite(LED3, LOW); 
    if (val > maxval)
      maxval = val;

  // If the largest voltage detected is above 1.94 V (3.3*600/1023),
  // commence the "beep dance" response
  if (maxval > MICTHRESH)
    // Make the "siren" noise by alternating 1200 Hz and 800 Hz tones
    for (i=0; i<5; i++)
        beep(BUZZER, 1200, 100);
        beep(BUZZER, 800,  100);
    // Shake motors back and forth rapidly
    for (i=0; i<3; i++)
        analogWrite(RMOTOR, MPOW);
        analogWrite(RMOTOR, 0);
        analogWrite(LMOTOR, MPOW);
        analogWrite(LMOTOR, 0);
    // Make a series of tones with increasing frequency from 300-100 Hz
    // then come back down
    for (i=30; i<100; i+=1)
      beep(BUZZER, 10*i, 10);
    for (i=100; i>30; i-=1)
      beep(BUZZER, 10*i, 10);
  // Step 3: read the status of photocells and adjust motor output
  digitalWrite(PBLOCK, HIGH);      // supply 3.3V to the power rail
  delayMicroseconds(20);           // delay briefly to allow comparator outputs to settle

  if (digitalRead(LPHOTO)==HIGH)         // check each photocell/circuit output and determine
      analogWrite(LMOTOR, MPOW);

  if (digitalRead(RPHOTO)==HIGH)  
       analogWrite(RMOTOR, MPOW);

    digitalWrite(PBLOCK, LOW);       // turn the power-blocked rail off
    delay(500);                      // wait 500 ms


void beep(int pin, int freq, long ms)    //generate a square wave at a given frequency for ms miliseconds
  int k;
        long semiper = (long) (1000000/(freq*2));
        long loops = (long)((ms*1000)/(semiper*2));
  for (k=0;k<loops;k++)
            digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);  //set buzzer pin high
      delayMicroseconds(semiper);  //for half of the period
      digitalWrite(pin, LOW);   //set buzzer pin low
            delayMicroseconds(semiper);  //for the other half of the period


Development of a Line following robot, which responds to light and sound, interfacing microphone, DC motors, LDR's, LED's, speaker with Arduino. Using MOSFET and BJT to amplify to drive the motors, and using LM358 as an audio amplifier.





