Scan Path in Host Storage and get the files and folder information
Build a Maven project with at least 2 modules
- core = contains services
- rest = rest api
Build a Spring Boot Rest API
run as self containing single Spring Boot jar with e.g. jetty or tomcat embedded
Design a Service
- reading/scanning all files and subfolders of a specific root folder (configure in
- writing file metadata (path, filename, filetype=extension, filesize, modification date, scan date=now) into a database (h2 is good enough)
- run on startup
- nice to have: scheduling all x minutes and rescan the folder and rewrite/update files or drop and reinsert
Rest ApI:
- GET /folders
- delivers a list of folders and subfolders sorted by name
- GET /filesizes?ftype=xxx
- delivers folders and subfolders with aggregated filesize sorted by size,
- filtered by filetype/extension=xxx if avail
- GET /folders
Add some unit tests
You can use Spring Data, Hibernate, JDBC or any other framework. Make as much as you can, build stubs or write some comments if you cannot solve something.
Good luck.