We use Saxon 10.5EE (java) for XSLT transformations, called from command-line which works perfectly as expected:
java -cp %saxon% ^
com.saxonica.Transform -val:lax -o:out.xml -s:xml/T0_Doc.xml -xsl:xsl/transT0.xsl
We use -val:lax
because we want to expand the default-attributes.
For differents reasons, we need to move the -val
-Option to a saxon config-file:
java -cp %saxon% ^
com.saxonica.Transform -config:saxonConfig/config.xml -o:out.xml -s:xml/T0_Doc.xml -xsl:xsl/transT0.xsl
Now I get the following error: „Cannot use a schema-validated source document unless the stylesheet is schema-aware“
We can't use schema-aware transformation, beacuse we use a lot huge XSLT's, whichs raises type-errors when using schema-aware transformation and we can't rewrite them. Our requirements in this case are:
- expand the default-attributes
- no schema-aware transformation
- use saxon config-file for commandline options
The command-line option -val:lax
does exactly what we want to do, but we need this option set in config-file without raising the metioned error.
Is there a difference between -val:lax
and <global schemaValidation="lax"/>