A contao extension to provide a simple navigation between news articles. It add template variables to go from one news article to the next or the previous article. News article order is calculated by time property.
- add Template variables to NewsReaderModule to jump between news articles
- customize article navigation with custom filters
Install via composer:
composer require heimrichhannot/contao-newsnavigation-bundle
The bundle provides two new variables for news reader templates: nextArticle
and previousArticle
Twig example:
{% if previousArticle|default %}
<a href="{{ previousArticle.url }}" class="previous">
{{ previousArticle.label }}
{% endif %}
{% if nextArticle|default %}
<a href="{{ nextArticle.url }}" class="next">
{{ nextArticle.label }}
{% endif %}
HTML5 example:
<?php if ($this->previousArticle): ?>
<a href="<?= $this->previousArticle->url ?>" title="<?= $this->previousArticle->title ?>"><?= $this->previousArticle->label ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->nextArticle): ?>
<a href="<?= $this->nextArticle->url ?>" title="<?= $this->nextArticle->title ?>"><?= $this->nextArticle->label ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
To customize which articles are shown as next and previous, you can use the NewsNavigationFilterEvent event.
It gets passed a filter instance and the ModuleModel
To modify the filter, use the methods of the filter object.
use HeimrichHannot\NewsNavigationBundle\Event\NewsNavigationFilterEvent;
function __invoke(NewsNavigationFilterEvent $event): void
if ($event->model->someCustomTstamp) {
$event->filter->setColumns(array_merge($event->filter->getColumns(), ['someCustomTstamp>=?']));
$event->filter->setValues(array_merge($event->filter->getValues(), [$event->model->someCustomTstamp]));
if (!empty(StringUtil::deserialize($event->moduleModel->categories, true))) {
$filter->setColumns(array_merge($filter->getColumns(), ['tl_news.categories IN (?)']));
$filter->setValues(array_merge($filter->getValues(), StringUtil::deserialize($event->moduleModel->categories, true)));