This is a bugfix release of Helidon. It is recommended for all users of Helidon 2.
2.4.2 is API compatible with 2.3.0.
- WebServer: Fix wrong connection close 3830
- WebServer: New default for io.netty.allocator.maxOrder 38093831
- WebServer: Swallowed error fix 3792
- WebServer: Add CORS support to OidcSupport 3844
- WebClient: Do not create close listener handlers for every new request 3853
- WebClient: Propagate any existing server context into a Webclient reactive code 3756
- WebClient: WebClient event group initialization changed - 2.x 3833
- LRA: LRA Custom headers propagation 3768
- JAX-RS: Special treatment for ParamConverterProviders with multiple apps 3846
- DBClient: Fix dbclient threading issues when DML operations are executed multiple times in a tight loop 3860
- Ensure all thread pools created by Helidon are named 3789
- Fault Tolerance: Only deactivate request context if it was inactive before migrating it 3813
- Native-image: Native image fix grpc for 2.x branch 3805
- OCI: Use resource /instance/canonicalRegionName to get region 3868
- Build: Integrate build tools 2.3.3 3869
- Dependencies: Upgrade Neo4j to 4.4.3. for Helidon 2.x 3862
- Dependencies: Upgrade grpc-java to 1.41.2 3822
- Dependencies: Upgrades Netty to 4.1.73.Final (helidon-2.x backport) 3798
- Dependencies: Upgrades log4j to 2.17.1 on helidon-2.x branch 3778
- Docs: New section about injection managers in docs 3851
- Examples: Change bare-mp archetype to use microprofile-core bundle 3787
- Examples: Clean unused dependencies in archetypes. 3828