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A Flutter application to demonstrate how to implement Google maps and its advanced options in a flutter app.

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A new Flutter application to demonstrate how to implement flutter google maps in a flutter application and perfoem advanced tasks on it.

Adding Map To the App

  1. Get an API key at

  2. Enable Google Map SDK for each platform.

    • Go to Google Developers Console.
    • Choose the project that you want to enable Google Maps on.
    • Select the navigation menu and then select "Google Maps".
    • Select "APIs" under the Google Maps menu.
    • To enable Google Maps for Android, select "Maps SDK for Android" in the "Additional APIs" section, then select "ENABLE".
    • To enable Google Maps for iOS, select "Maps SDK for iOS" in the "Additional APIs" section, then select "ENABLE".
    • Make sure the APIs you enabled are under the "Enabled APIs" section.
  3. In android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml inside Application tag add your key

<manifest ...
  <application ...
    <meta-data android:name=""
               android:value="YOUR KEY HERE"/>
  1. In ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift add the following lines
import UIKit
import Flutter
import GoogleMaps

@objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate {
  override func application(
    _ application: UIApplication,
    didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
  ) -> Bool {
    GMSServices.provideAPIKey("YOUR KEY HERE")
    GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self)
    return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
  1. Use the GoogleMapsWidget.dart inside the lib/widget folder as normal widget and use it where you want.

Adding Custom Marker To the map

Adding normal marker

  1. Declare a Set of Markers that will be shown on the map
Set<Marker> _markers = Set<Marker>();
  1. Add the set of markers to GoogleMap widget
      markers: _markers,
  1. Update the set of markers after the map is created in onMapCreated
      onMapCreated: (GoogleMapController controller) {
              _setMapPins([LatLng(30.029585, 31.022356)]);
  1. Using this function the map will be updated with the given markers on it
_setMapPins(List<LatLng> markersLocation) {
    setState(() {
      markersLocation.forEach((markerLocation) {
          markerId: MarkerId(markerLocation.toString()),
          position: markerLocation,

Customizing the markers

  1. Declare a BitmapDescriptor which will hold the customIcon
late BitmapDescriptor customIcon;
  1. Inside initState() Assign the needed png to the customIcon
  void initState() {
    BitmapDescriptor.fromAssetImage(ImageConfiguration(size: Size(50, 50)),
        .then((icon) {
      customIcon = icon;
  1. Finally add the customIcon to the marker
     markerId: MarkerId(markerLocation.toString()),
     position: markerLocation,
     icon: customIcon,

Map Customization (Light/Dark mode)

Prepare the map styles

  1. Go to
  2. Choose the old version of the site by choosing No thanks, take me to the old style wizard
  3. You will find a lot of options, play with it until you get the desired style.
  4. Click Finish and a pop-up will show with the json code of your style, copy it and add it as a json file in your assets folder Don't forgot to mention it in your pubspec.yaml You can find two styles in the project's assets folder

Adding styles to the map

  1. Declare Strings that will hold your style's json and a bool to control which mode is shown on the map
bool mapDarkMode = true;
late String _darkMapStyle;
late String _lightMapStyle;
  1. In initState declare the styles
Future _loadMapStyles() async {
    _darkMapStyle = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/map_style/dark.json');
    _lightMapStyle = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/map_style/light.json');
  1. After creating the map, set the style
onMapCreated: (GoogleMapController controller) {
          _setMapPins([LatLng(30.029585, 31.022356)]);
Future _setMapStyle() async {
    final controller = await _controller.future;
    if (mapDarkMode)
  1. To change the style we created a button on the map using the stack widget
   top: 100,
   right: 30,
   child: Container(
     height: 30,
     width: 30,
     child: IconButton(
       icon: Icon(
         mapDarkMode ? Icons.brightness_4 : Icons.brightness_5,
         color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
       onPressed: () {
         setState(() {
           mapDarkMode = !mapDarkMode;

Drawing routes

Activating Directions API

  1. Go to Google Developers Console.
  2. Choose the project that you want to enable Google Maps on.
  3. Select the navigation menu and then select "Google Maps".
  4. Select "APIs" under the Google Maps menu.
  5. Enable Google Directions, select "Directions API" in the "Additional APIs" section, then select "ENABLE".
  6. Make sure the APIs you enabled are under the "Enabled APIs" section.

Adding route to the map

  1. Declare your start and end points
final LatLng initialLatLng = LatLng(30.029585, 31.022356);
final LatLng destinationLatLng = LatLng(30.060567, 30.962413);
  1. Declare polyline and polylineCoordinates
Set<Polyline> _polyline = {};
List<LatLng> polylineCoordinates = [];
  1. After creating the map, set the polyline
onMapCreated: (GoogleMapController controller) {
          _setMapPins([LatLng(30.029585, 31.022356)]);
_addPolyLines() {
    setState(() {
      lat = (initialLatLng.latitude + destinationLatLng.latitude)/2;
      lng= (initialLatLng.longitude + destinationLatLng.longitude)/2;
  1. To set polyline we send a get request to with the start location, end location and the api key
final result = await MapRepository()
        .getRouteCoordinates(initialLatLng, destinationLatLng);
final route =["routes"][0]["overview_polyline"]["points"];
  1. Then we translate the results to a polyline using the MapUtils
    polylineId: PolylineId("tripRoute"),
    //pass any string here
    width: 3,
    geodesic: true,
    points: MapUtils.convertToLatLng(MapUtils.decodePoly(route)),
    color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor));

Live Location

Preparing the app

  1. Add location: ^4.3.0 in pubspec.yaml file

  2. In android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml add the following permissions

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION"/>
  1. In android/app/build.gradle increase the minSdkVersion to 20

  2. In ios/runner/info.plist add the following lines

<string>we will use this to get user location</string>
<string>we will use this to get user location</string>
<string>we will use this to get user location</string>

Current location service

In the services folder you can find current_location_service.dart where we enable the service

serviceEnabled = await  location.serviceEnabled();
      serviceEnabled = await location.requestService();

and listen to location changes

 currentLocationStream =
             location.onLocationChanged.listen((LocationData currentLocation) {
               return AppBloc.liveLocationCubit.updateUserLocation(currentLocation);

after getting the permission.

  PermissionStatus isGranted = await location.hasPermission();
      if (isGranted == PermissionStatus.granted )
        return true;
      else {
        PermissionStatus requestResult = await location.requestPermission();
        if (requestResult == PermissionStatus.granted)
          return true;
        return false;

Note that for deployment, you need to tell the user (through UI) that you will be collecting his location even when the app is in background.

Using the current location service

  • Using any state management you prefer (Here using BLoC/Cubit) to control the service
  • Every change in the service triggers the controller to update the UI
  BlocListener<LiveLocationCubit, LocationData?>(
          listener: (context, liveLocation) {
            if (liveLocation != null) {
   _updateUserMarker(LocationData currentLocation) {
       if (currentLocation.latitude != null && currentLocation.longitude != null) {
         _markers.removeWhere((marker) => marker.markerId.value == 'user');
         lat = currentLocation.latitude!;
         lng = currentLocation.longitude!;
         setState(() {
               markerId: MarkerId('user'),
               position: LatLng(currentLocation.latitude!, currentLocation.longitude!)));


A Flutter application to demonstrate how to implement Google maps and its advanced options in a flutter app.






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