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dishevelled-bio bio

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Running dishevelled-bio tools

In addition to APIs in various modules, bio also provides a set of command line tools, gathered together into a single top-level dsh-bio script

$ dsh-bio --help
dsh-bio [command] [args]

  bin-fastq-quality-scores    bin quality scores from files in FASTQ format
  compress-bed    compress features in BED format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
  compress-fasta    compress sequences in FASTA format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
  compress-fastq    compress sequences in FASTQ format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
  compress-gaf    compress alignments in GAF format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
  compress-gfa1    compress assembly in GFA 1.0 format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
  compress-gfa2    compress assembly in GFA 2.0 format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
  compress-gff3    compress features in GFF3 format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
  compress-paf    compress alignments in PAF format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
  compress-rgfa    compress assembly in rGFA format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
  compress-sam    compress alignments in SAM format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
  compress-vcf    compress variants and genotypes in VCF format to splittable bgzf or bzip2 compression codecs
  create-sequence-dictionary    create a SequenceDictionary from DNA sequences in FASTA format
  disinterleave-fastq    convert interleaved FASTQ format into first and second DNA sequence files in FASTQ format
  downsample-fastq    downsample DNA sequences from files in FASTQ format
  downsample-interleaved-fastq    downsample DNA sequences from a file in interleaved FASTQ format
  export-segments    export assembly segment sequences in GFA 1.0 format to FASTA format
  extract-fasta    extract matching DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format
  extract-fastq    extract matching DNA sequences in FASTQ format
  extract-fastq-by-length    extract DNA sequences in FASTQ format with a range of lengths
  fasta-to-fastq    convert DNA sequences in FASTA format to FASTQ format
  fasta-to-parquet    (beta) convert DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format to Parquet format
  fasta-to-parquet2    (beta) convert DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format to Parquet format, with transaction size
  fasta-to-parquet3    (beta) convert DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format to Parquet format, with partition size
  fasta-to-parquet4    (beta) convert DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format to Parquet format, with flush after
  fasta-to-text    convert DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format to tab-separated values (tsv) text format
  fastq-description    output description lines from DNA sequences in FASTQ format
  fastq-sequence-length    output sequence lengths from DNA sequences in FASTQ format
  fastq-to-bam    convert DNA sequences in FASTQ format to unaligned BAM format
  fastq-to-fasta    convert DNA sequences in FASTQ format to FASTA format
  fastq-to-text    convert DNA sequences in FASTQ format to tab-separated values (tsv) text format
  filter-bed    filter features in BED format
  filter-fasta    filter sequences in FASTA format
  filter-fastq    filter sequences in FASTQ format
  filter-gaf    filter alignments in GAF format
  filter-gfa1    filter assembly in GFA 1.0 format
  filter-gfa2    filter assembly in GFA 2.0 format
  filter-gff3    filter features in GFF3 format
  filter-paf    filter alignments in PAF format
  filter-rgfa    filter assembly in rGFA format
  filter-sam    filter alignments in SAM format
  filter-vcf    filter variants in VCF format
  gfa1-to-gfa2    convert GFA 1.0 format to GFA 2.0 format
  identify-gfa1    add identifier annotation to records in GFA 1.0 format
  interleave-fastq    convert first and second DNA sequence files in FASTQ format to interleaved FASTQ format
  interleaved-fastq-to-bam    convert DNA sequences in interleaved FASTQ format to unaligned BAM format
  links-to-cytoscape-edges    convert links in GFA 1.0 format to edges.txt format for Cytoscape
  links-to-property-graph    convert links in GFA 1.0 format to property graph CSV format
  list-filesystems    list filesystem providers
  reassemble-paths    reassemble paths in GFA 1.0 format from traversal records
  remap-dbsnp    remap DB Type=String flags in VCF format to DB Type=Flag and dbsnp Type=String fields
  remap-phase-set    remap PS Type=String phase set ids in VCF format to PS Type=Integer
  rename-bed-references    rename references in BED files
  rename-gff3-references    rename references in GFF3 files
  rename-vcf-references    rename references in VCF files
  segments-to-cytoscape-nodes    convert segments in GFA 1.0 format to nodes.txt format for Cytoscape
  segments-to-property-graph    convert segments in GFA 1.0 format to property graph CSV format
  split-bed    split files in BED format
  split-fasta    split files in FASTA format
  split-fastq    split files in FASTQ format
  split-gaf    split files in GAF format
  split-gff3    split files in GFF3 format
  split-interleaved-fastq    split files in interleaved FASTQ format
  split-paf    split files in PAF format
  split-sam    split files in SAM format
  split-vcf    split files in VCF format
  text-to-fasta    convert DNA or protein sequences in tab-separated values (tsv) text format to FASTA format
  text-to-fastq    convert DNA sequences in tab-separated values (tsv) text format to FASTQ format
  traversals-to-cytoscape-edges    convert traversals in GFA 1.0 format to edges.txt format for Cytoscape
  traversals-to-property-graph    convert traversals in GFA 1.0 format to property graph CSV format
  traverse-paths    traverse paths in GFA 1.0 format
  truncate-fasta    truncate DNA or protein sequences in FASTA format
  truncate-paths    truncate paths in GFA 1.0 format
  variant-table-to-vcf    convert Ensembl variant table to VCF format
  vcf-pedigree    extract a pedigree from VCF format
  vcf-samples    extract samples from VCF format

   -a, --about  display about message [optional]
   -v, --version  display about message [optional]
   -h, --help  display help message [optional]

$ dsh-bio split-bed --help
dsh-split-bed -r 100 -i foo.bed.gz

   -a, --about  display about message [optional]
   -h, --help  display help message [optional]
   -i, --input-path [interface java.nio.file.Path]  input BED path, default stdin [optional]
   -b, --bytes [class java.lang.String]  split input path at next record after each n bytes [optional]
   -r, --records [class java.lang.Long]  split input path after each n records [optional]
   -p, --prefix [class java.lang.String]  output file prefix [optional]
   -d, --left-pad [class java.lang.Integer]  left pad split index in output file name [optional]
   -s, --suffix [class java.lang.String]  output file suffix, e.g. .bed.gz [optional]

Each command is also available as a separate script, e.g. dsh-split-bed

$ dsh-split-bed --help
dsh-split-bed -r 100 -i foo.bed.gz

   -a, --about  display about message [optional]
   -h, --help  display help message [optional]
   -i, --input-path [interface java.nio.file.Path]  input BED path, default stdin [optional]
   -b, --bytes [class java.lang.String]  split input path at next record after each n bytes [optional]
   -r, --records [class java.lang.Long]  split input path after each n records [optional]
   -p, --prefix [class java.lang.String]  output file prefix [optional]
   -d, --left-pad [class java.lang.Integer]  left pad split index in output file name [optional]
   -s, --suffix [class java.lang.String]  output file suffix, e.g. .bed.gz [optional]


Across the bio command line tools, stdin and stdout should behave as expected, and files and streams compressed with Zstandard (zstd), XZ, GZIP, BZip2, and block-compressed GZIP (BGZF) are handled transparently. Use file extensions .zst, .xz, .gz, .bz2, and .bgz respectively to force the issue, if necessary.

File systems

As of version 2.1, cloud storage file systems from Google Cloud Storage (via gs:// paths) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) (via s3:// paths) are supported for input paths.

$ dsh-bio list-filesystems
Installed filesystem providers:
  file	sun.nio.fs.MacOSXFileSystemProvider
  jar	jdk.nio.zipfs.ZipFileSystemProvider
  jrt	jdk.internal.jrtfs.JrtFileSystemProvider


Commands with a --script argument expect an expression written in JavaScript that evaluates to boolean true or false against a record, provided in the context as variable r. For example, with dsh-filter-bed, to filter BED records by chromosome and score

r.getChrom() == 1 && r.getScore() > 10

specified on the command line as

$ dsh-bio filter-bed -i input.bed --script "r.getChrom() == 1 && r.getScore() > 10"

Installing dishevelled-bio via Conda

The bio command line tools are available in Conda via Bioconda,

$ conda install dsh-bio

Installing dishevelled-bio via Homebrew

The bio command line tools are available in Homebrew via Brewsci/bio,

$ brew install brewsci/bio/dsh-bio

Installing dishevelled-bio via Docker

The bio command line tools are available in Docker via BioContainers,

$ docker pull{tag}

Find {tag} on the tag search page,