Compact SPICE Simulator using ODE Solvers
Written in conjunction with Ariana Bruno (amb633) for a programming assignment in ECE4960.
Summary This program focuses on building ODE solvers for SPICE-like circuit simulation. Three different one-step solvers (Euler, Standard Runge-Kutta, and Adaptive Runge-Kutta) were built and tested. The main program builds all relevant functions in the C++ language. A succint implementation on MATLAB is included to cross-check that the values obtained are accurate.
The program is simple to use for user's looking to run individual runs to generate results to solve a specific system's ODEs with various ODE Solver methods. To run the program it takes the standard format:
./program Argument#1 - Argument#2 - Argument#3
- Argument#1: Pick the ODE Solver method to use
--> sending the argument only will run the test mode
- Argument#2: Pick the system to solve
- Argument#3: Pick the size of the time step
Overview: Common utility functions that will be accessed and used commonly throughout the assignment. All functions have been resused from previous programming assignments.
add_vectors( a , b , sum )
: element-wise addition of vectorsa
with result being stored insum
scaleVector( scalar , a , result )
: multiplies vectora
by a constantscalar
and stores it inresult
shiftVector( scalar , a , result )
: adds a constantscalar
to vectora
and stores it inresult
expVector( result , input )
: takes the element-wise exponential of the elements ininput
and stores it inresult
vectorMultiplication ( a , b , result )
: element-wise multiplication of vectorsa
vectorProduct( results , A , b )
: matrix product of a matrixA
and a vectorb
print_full_vec( a )
: prints all elements in vectora
to screencalculateNorm ( a )
: calculates the norm of vectora
Overview: Implementation of ODE functions that will be solved using the three methods discussed in Part 2.
Documentation: All functions have to create/ call the standard function signature:
for storing the slope of the function at the current time stepxi
for sending the values of the function at the current time steptime
value for sending the current time stepmarch
value for sending the time interval (march) value at each iteration
: exponential test function as detailed in the hacker practices
: differential equations for simple circuit given in Figure 03 of handout
: differential equations for common source amplifier given in Figure 5a of handout
Other helper functions:
generate_current_input( time )
: returns the current at the giventime
, following the function given in Figure 6calculate_ID( vgs , vds )
: returns the ID,EKF current for the given parameters, as defined in Equation 1 of the handout - reused from Programming Assignment 03
Testing functions:
: testing function to check thatgenerate_current_input( time )
returns the correct valuestest_simple_RC_circuit()
: testing function to check thatsimple_RC_circuit()
returns the correct values - values are cross-referenced with the MATLAB implementationtest_amplifier_circuit()
: testing function to check that theamplifier_circuit()
returns the correct values - values are cross-referenced with the MATLAB implementation
Overview: Implementation of ODE Solver methods that solve the systems defined in Part 1.
Documentation: All functions have to create/ call the these variables:
: for passing the phi function that corresponds to the system that will be solved (i.e. simple_RC_circuit())slope
for storing the slope (phi) of the function at the current time stepvalues
for sending the (current) values to the function to calculate the next iterative valuestime
value for sending the current time step (t)march
value for sending the time interval (h) value at each iteration
: solves for phi at each time step using the forward euler method and the system's ODE given as a pointer.
The Runge Kutta method functions have to create/ call these additional variables:
for calculating the intermediate k values to calculate thephi
at each time stepadaptivity
to decide when to enable adaptive time steps, which calculats the new time step size using the k values, x_i+1, and a relative error of 1e-4
: solves for phi at each time step using the Runge Kutta 3-4 method and the system's ODE given as a pointer.
: solves x_i+1 for given the current time step, and calculates phi
using the function pointer which provided based which system is being solved.