This is the main repository for FEAR-V.
In order to use FEAR-V, you need to have the following tools available:
- PostgreSQL Database Server
- Python 3.9 or later
- Python virtualenv
- Build environment with Make and GCC
- Cmake
- OpenJDK v8 (for riscv-torture)
- SiFive riscv-gnu-toolchain (for compilation of FE300 testprograms)
The following should be sufficient for a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 LTS installation:
sudo apt install build-essential git python3.10-venv postgresql ninja-build pkg-config libglib2.0-dev libfdt-dev libpixman-1-dev zlib1g-dev ninja-build libxml2-dev cmake openjdk-8-jdk
FEAR-V requires a PostgreSQL database server that is accessible by user "django" with password "django" that has the right to create/update a database also called "django".
For details how to setup the database server, please refer to the official documentation. A setup guide for Ubuntu can be found here:
The following page describes how to create a database user:
First, you need to setup a python virtualenv:
# Create python3 venv
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install packages
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then proceed with the initialization of the subrepositories:
# Init git submodules
git submodule update --init
Check out the Django analysis framework:
cd tools/isa-toolkit
git checkout main
cd ../..
Check out and build the fear5 branch of QEMU:
cd tools/qemu
git checkout fear5
./configure --target-list=riscv32-softmmu --enable-fear5 --disable-docs --disable-werror
make -j5
cd ../..
Check out and build the FE300 code generation environment. This repository wraps Csmith, riscv-tests, riscv-arch-tests and risc-torture:
cd tools/fe300-swgen
git checkout main
cd ../..
In order to use FEAR-V, you need to load some environment variables. You can do so by executing the following command:
After loading the environment variables, the f5 script is ready to execute FEAR-V YAML files. In the directory demos/testsw-297 there are three demos including FEAR-V YAML files. The following section describes how to execute these demos.
This repository comes with three demos that share 297 pre-compiled binary test programs. They demo resides in the following directory:
cd demo/testsw-297
Please note, that all three demos are really large and take between 5 and 20 hours on a 12 core / 24 thread AMD Threadripper PRO machine to finish.
The first demo simulates single-bit permanent instruction, GPR and CSR faults. It can be run with:
f5 01_permanent_1Bit.yaml
You can generate an Excel file with the Golden Run Analysis results with the following command:
./scripts/ golden_run.xlsx
The generated Excel file will contain three Workbooks with register, memory and instruction analysis results.
Set-Cover optimization results can be printed with the following command:
To generate an Excel file that contains the permanent fault simulation results, you can run the following script:
./scripts/ permanent_fsim.xlsx
The second demo simulates single-bit transient GPR faults. It is started with:
f5 02_transient_1Bit.yaml
To generate an Excel file that contains the transient single-bit fault simulation results, you can run the following script:
./scripts/ transient_fsim_1bit.xlsx
To generate a CSV file with the GPR coverage score for transient 1-bit fault simulation, you can run the following script (note - this might take some time):
./scripts/ > transient_fsim_1bit_score.csv
The third demo simulates 4-bit transient GPR faults. It can be run with:
f5 03_transient_4Bit.yaml
To generate an Excel file that contains the transient N-bit fault simulation results, you can run the following script:
./scripts/ transient_fsim_4bit.xlsx
To generate a CSV file with the GPR coverage score for transient N-bit fault simulation, you can run the following script (note - this might take some time):
./scripts/ > transient_fsim_4bit_score.csv