Based on the ES6 boilerplate by Daniel Belohlavek
You need NPM to build and run this project.
After you've installed NPM:
Install dependencies
npm install
Run a development build...
npm start
...or a production build.
npm run production
Development builds will copy phaser.min.js together with and phaser.js Your ES6 code will be transpiled into ES5 and concatenated into a single file. A sourcemap for your code will also be included (by default This build includes the phaser-debug plugin.
Production builds will only copy phaser.min.js and phaser-tiled plugin. Your ES6 code will be transpiled and minified using UglifyJS.
Any modification to the files inside the ./src and ./static folder will trigger a full page reload.
If you modify the contents of other files, please manually restart the server.
Phaser 2.6.2
Phaser Debug 1.1.8
Phaser Tiled Plugin 2.0.2