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- Project: TDSubgraph, i.e., FIDES in paper
- dev: Renjun Hu
- homepage:
- Reference: "Fast Computation of Dense Temporal Subgraphs." In ICDE, 2017.
- 2017/1/17: reliease the first version of TDSubgraph
- 2017/6/14: fix the bug in IntervalSelector that it throws an out-of-bounds exception when the temporal graph contains only single snapthot. The bug is reported by Yanyan Zhang from SFU.
- 2017/10/16: release the beta version if FIDES in subdirectory 'FIDES_plus'.
run: compute dense subgraph of temporal graph
- E.g.: -run traffic-small.txt 0 10 10 1.0
- traffic-small.txt: temporal graph
- 0 & 10: beginning & ending timestamps of temporal graph (from 0 to 10 (including))
- 10: number k of time intervals that FIDES considers
- xi: smoothing factor (pg 4 in paper), 1.0 by default
runIntv: compute dense subgraph of temporal subgraphs given time intervals (interval.txt)
- E.g.: -runIntv traffic-small.txt 0 10 10 1.0
- Parameter description is the same to run
- 0 & 10 are the beginning and ending timestamps of the temporal graph that we load into main memory.
- It will compute dense subgraph of temporal subgraphs whose beginning and ending timestamps are given in interval.txt.
computeADS: compute dense subgraph on aggregate graph
- E.g.: -computeADS traffic-small.txt 0 10
- Parameter description is the same to run
- It will compute dense subgraph of aggregate graphs of temporal subgraphs whose beginning and ending timestamps are given in interval.txt
ADSOPT: compute dense subgraph on aggregate graph, with 4 combinations of optimizations
- E.g.: -ADSOPT traffic-small.txt 0 10
- Parameter description is the same to run
ecrate: compute ec rate (i.e., p_{EC}) of temporal graph
- E.g.: -ecrate traffic-small.txt 0 10
- Parameter description is the same to run
- temporal graph
- each line consists of 4 integers "u,v,t,w"
- u & v: starting and ending node of the edge
- t: time stamp
- w: weight of edge
- interval.txt
- each line consists of 2 integers "tb,te"
- tb & te: beginning and ending timestamps of temporal subgraphs
- baseline and synthetic data generator see
- KPCD groups and ground-truth see KPCD
- BJData: available in request
- SynData: generate by synthetic data generator (sizes up to 50G)
For any question, feel free to contact Renjun (hurenjun [AT]