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Material Kit PRO React is a beautiful resource built for Material Design. It was made over the powerful Material-UI. We used and have redesigned all components to make it look flat, minimalist and easy to use. We are proud of this new Material-UI skin and the possibilities for customisation.

Using it is very simple and it will enable you to refresh you classic looking application. To get the desired effect you will also need to integrate ReactJS plugins that take a little bit more effort. In the end the result will be worth it.

Material Kit PRO React uses a framework built by our friend Olivier and his team - Material-UI, who did an amazing job creating the backbone for the material effects, animations, ripples and transitions. Big thanks to his team for the effort and forward thinking they put into it.

Table of Contents


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Quick start


The documentation for the Material Kit PRO React is hosted at our website.

File Structure

Within the download you'll find the following directories and files:

├── package.json
├── .env
├── Documentation
│   ├── assets
│   │   ├── css
│   │   ├── img
│   │   │   └── faces
│   │   └── js
│   └── tutorial-components.html
├── public
│   ├── favicon.ico
│   ├── index.html
│   └── manifest.json
└── src
    ├── assets
    │   ├── img
    │   │   ├── arrow-left.cur
    │   │   ├── arrow-right.cur
    │   │   ├── assets-for-demo
    │   │   │   ├── example-pages
    │   │   │   ├── ourClients
    │   │   │   ├── presentationViewSectionComponent
    │   │   │   └── sections
    │   │   │       └── imgs.jsx
    │   │   ├── examples
    │   │   ├── faces
    │   │   ├── flags
    │   │   └── sections
    │   ├── jss
    │   │   ├── material-kit-pro-react
    │   │   │   ├── components
    │   │   │   └── views
    │   │   │       ├── aboutUsSections
    │   │   │       ├── blogPostSections
    │   │   │       ├── blogPostsSections
    │   │   │       ├── componentsSections
    │   │   │       ├── ecommerceSections
    │   │   │       ├── landingPageSections
    │   │   │       ├── presentationSections
    │   │   │       ├── pricingSections
    │   │   │       └── sectionsSections
    │   │   └── material-kit-pro-react.jsx
    │   └── scss
    │       ├── core
    │       │   ├── mixins
    │       │   └── variables
    │       ├── plugins
    │       └── material-kit-pro-react.scss
    ├── components
    │   ├── Accordion
    │   │   └── Accordion.jsx
    │   ├── Badge
    │   │   └── Badge.jsx
    │   ├── Card
    │   │   ├── Card.jsx
    │   │   ├── CardAvatar.jsx
    │   │   ├── CardBody.jsx
    │   │   ├── CardFooter.jsx
    │   │   └── CardHeader.jsx
    │   ├── Clearfix
    │   │   └── Clearfix.jsx
    │   ├── CustomButtons
    │   │   └── Button.jsx
    │   ├── CustomDropdown
    │   │   └── CustomDropdown.jsx
    │   ├── CustomFileInput
    │   │   └── CustomFileInput.jsx
    │   ├── CustomInput
    │   │   └── CustomInput.jsx
    │   ├── CustomLinearProgress
    │   │   └── CustomLinearProgress.jsx
    │   ├── CustomTabs
    │   │   └── CustomTabs.jsx
    │   ├── CustomUpload
    │   │   └── ImageUpload.jsx
    │   ├── Footer
    │   │   └── Footer.jsx
    │   ├── Grid
    │   │   ├── GridContainer.jsx
    │   │   └── GridItem.jsx
    │   ├── Header
    │   │   ├── Header.jsx
    │   │   └── HeaderLinks.jsx
    │   ├── InfoArea
    │   │   └── InfoArea.jsx
    │   ├── Instruction
    │   │   └── Instruction.jsx
    │   ├── Media
    │   │   └── Media.jsx
    │   ├── NavPills
    │   │   └── NavPills.jsx
    │   ├── Pagination
    │   │   └── Pagination.jsx
    │   ├── Parallax
    │   │   └── Parallax.jsx
    │   ├── Snackbar
    │   │   └── SnackbarContent.jsx
    │   ├── Table
    │   │   └── Table.jsx
    │   └── Typography
    │       ├── Danger.jsx
    │       ├── Info.jsx
    │       ├── Muted.jsx
    │       ├── Primary.jsx
    │       ├── Quote.jsx
    │       ├── Rose.jsx
    │       ├── Small.jsx
    │       ├── Success.jsx
    │       └── Warning.jsx
    ├── index.js
    ├── logo.svg
    ├── routes
    │   └── index.jsx
    └── views
        ├── AboutUsPage
        │   ├── AboutUsPage.jsx
        │   └── Sections
        │       ├── SectionContact.jsx
        │       ├── SectionDescription.jsx
        │       ├── SectionOffice.jsx
        │       ├── SectionServices.jsx
        │       └── SectionTeam.jsx
        ├── BlogPostPage
        │   ├── BlogPostPage.jsx
        │   └── Sections
        │       ├── SectionBlogInfo.jsx
        │       ├── SectionComments.jsx
        │       ├── SectionSimilarStories.jsx
        │       └── SectionText.jsx
        ├── BlogPostsPage
        │   ├── BlogPostsPage.jsx
        │   └── Sections
        │       ├── SectionImage.jsx
        │       ├── SectionInterested.jsx
        │       ├── SectionPills.jsx
        │       └── SubscribeLine.jsx
        ├── ComponentsPage
        │   ├── ComponentsPage.jsx
        │   └── Sections
        │       ├── SectionBasics.jsx
        │       ├── SectionCards.jsx
        │       ├── SectionCarousel.jsx
        │       ├── SectionContentAreas.jsx
        │       ├── SectionFooter.jsx
        │       ├── SectionJavascript.jsx
        │       ├── SectionNavbars.jsx
        │       ├── SectionNotifications.jsx
        │       ├── SectionPills.jsx
        │       ├── SectionPreFooter.jsx
        │       ├── SectionTabs.jsx
        │       └── SectionTypography.jsx
        ├── ContactUsPage
        │   └── ContactUsPage.jsx
        ├── EcommercePage
        │   ├── EcommercePage.jsx
        │   └── Sections
        │       ├── SectionBlog.jsx
        │       ├── SectionLatestOffers.jsx
        │       └── SectionProducts.jsx
        ├── LandingPage
        │   ├── LandingPage.jsx
        │   └── Sections
        │       ├── SectionProduct.jsx
        │       ├── SectionTeam.jsx
        │       └── SectionWork.jsx
        ├── LoginPage
        │   └── LoginPage.jsx
        ├── PresentationPage
        │   ├── PresentationPage.jsx
        │   └── Sections
        │       ├── SectionCards.jsx
        │       ├── SectionComponents.jsx
        │       ├── SectionContent.jsx
        │       ├── SectionDescription.jsx
        │       ├── SectionExamples.jsx
        │       ├── SectionFreeDemo.jsx
        │       ├── SectionOverview.jsx
        │       ├── SectionPricing.jsx
        │       └── SectionSections.jsx
        ├── PricingPage
        │   ├── PricingPage.jsx
        │   └── Sections
        │       ├── SectionFeatures.jsx
        │       └── SectionPricing.jsx
        ├── ProductPage
        │   └── ProductPage.jsx
        ├── ProfilePage
        │   └── ProfilePage.jsx
        ├── SectionsPage
        │   ├── Sections
        │   │   ├── SectionBlogs.jsx
        │   │   ├── SectionContacts.jsx
        │   │   ├── SectionFeatures.jsx
        │   │   ├── SectionHeaders.jsx
        │   │   ├── SectionPricing.jsx
        │   │   ├── SectionProjects.jsx
        │   │   ├── SectionTeams.jsx
        │   │   └── SectionTestimonials.jsx
        │   └── SectionsPage.jsx
        ├── ShoppingCartPage
        │   └── ShoppingCartPage.jsx
        └── SignupPage
            └── SignupPage.jsx

Browser Support

At present, we officially aim to support the last two versions of the following browsers:


Reporting Issues

We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for the Material Kit PRO React. Here are some advices for our users that want to report an issue:

  1. Make sure that you are using the latest version of the Material Kit PRO React. Check the CHANGELOG from your dashboard on our website.
  2. Providing us reproducible steps for the issue will shorten the time it takes for it to be fixed.
  3. Some issues may be browser specific, so specifying in what browser you encountered the issue might help.

Technical Support or Questions

If you have questions or need help integrating the product please contact us instead of opening an issue.


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React version of Material Kit Pro






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