A simple password generator written in Python, to create strong random passwords.
Install the file to /usr/local/bin
, or to any other location. Just make sure it's added to PATH
$ cd /path/to/mkpwd
$ sudo install -v -m755 -o0 -g0 mkpwd /usr/local/bin
Use mkpwd -h
to bring the help.
mkpwd [ -h | -c ] [ size ] [ nr of pwds ]
mkpwd Enter a number at the prompt
mkpwd 24 24 character pwd
mkpwd 36 10 10x 36 character pwd
-h Display this help.
-c Clean mode (only the pwd(s) in output).
Useful for scripting.
There's a “Settings & text strings” section early in the script where you can change the defaults, &/or translate the text strings if you'd prefer that.
Here are a few examples of how it looks.
$ mkpwd
:: Password length [default: 18]: 24
mkpwd: bU7Hc<Bv-}lpF1!Q8:dW6f3M
$ mkpwd 24
mkpwd: |i20/(5QBaqH-@7i4TrXFtbU
$ mkpwd 24 3
mkpwd #1: s)P5Qz6jp4\SgH<'r#A1pB4M
mkpwd #2: p]ZB5x8I9GuA>3nEa4vJ=.u>
mkpwd #3: eVYrN4=Zj2W0!VwsrI8/9{?e
Use mkpwd -c
to suppress anything but the passwords. This is great when scripting - like using it with, example: mkpwd -c 18
will get you 1 password, 18 characters long.
# one password
$ mkpwd -c 18
# 3 passwords
$ mkpwd -c 18 3
- Fork it (https://gitlab.com/iefdev/mkpwd/-/forks/new)
- Create your feature branch (
git switch -c feature/fooBar
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/fooBar
) - Create a new Merge Request
- [2023-08-25] Making a tag/release (v0.6.0) of this. Not that it's really needed, but as good practice. In case someone needs/wants to use the script - it's easier to use releases, and keep it updated that way.
- [2023-08-18] 10.00/10 (pylint 2.4.4, Python 3.6.8).
If you have any feedback, suggestions? Please, use the Issues, Merge Requests, send an email or post me at X.
· Eric (@iefdev)