queryForm is to auto generate query option form by config, and generate SQL or other custom by youself.
- generate query form by config
- validate option value and show error information
- generate SQL of options
- Input
- support single or multi value;
- support various data types:string,number,IPv4,IMSI,IMEI,PC etc;
- Select
- Range
- support single or range value
- Datetime
The easiest way to install the picker is:
bower install iu-queryForm --save
Download this dist version and dependencies.
- Declare dependency.
App = angular.module('app', ['iu']);
Prepare config of option item.
The option is same as echarts option define:
framework.queryOptions = {
datetime: {
fieldName: 'starttime',
required: true,
fieldType: framework.datatype.datetime,
allowMultiValue: true,
caption: '开始时间',
placeholder: '请输入时间',
directive: 'iuQueryDatetime',
beforeMonths: [0, 0],
beforeDays: [0, 0],
beforeHours: [-1, 0],
beforeMinutes: [0, 0],
CurTimeType: 'Hour'
range: {
caption: 'Value Range',
fieldName: 'range',
fieldType: framework.datatype.int,
unit: '秒',
rate: 1,
setp: 1,
isRange: true,
range: [0, 100],
min: {
operator: '>=',
value: 5
max: {
operator: '<',
value: 10
directive: 'iuQueryRange'
- Declare option model in controller.
$scope.queryOption = {
- Add directive
to HTML and bind it to model.
<data-iu-query-form compact="true" data-query="query(result)" option="param.queryOption"></data-iu-query-form>
- In controller when trigger query:
$scope.query = function(result){
The result is like:
isValid: boolean,
sql: string
- Also you can get result by interface:
var result = $scope.queryOption.$getResult();
- See
for demo.