- Periodic backup of Jenkins configs to Git
- Create user "jenkins"
- Create repository "jenkins-configs"
- Copy repo link to clipboard
- Goto Repository => Settings => Members
- Add Jenkins as Maintainer (only maintainer can do an initial push to empty Gitlab repo)
sudo -Hiu jenkins
cd ~
git init
git config --global user.name Jenkins
git config --global user.email "jenkins@$(hostname -f)"
git remote add origin PASTE_HERE_REPO_LINK_FROM_GITLAB
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
- Users => Jenkins => Impersonate => Personal Settings => SSH keys: paste contents of id_rsa.pub here
- Name = Backup Jenkins configs to Git
- Type = Free job
- Label = master (you should edit Master node and create this label!)
- SCM = None
- Build = Build Periodically
- Schedule =
20 04 * * *
- Build step = Execute Shell
- Paste the contents of jenkins2git.sh
- Save
- Settings => Members: decrease Jenkins permissions from Maintainer to Developer
- Settings => Repository => Protected branches: master => Allow to push: change from Maintainers to Maintainers+Developers
- https://gist.github.com/cenkalti/5089392 -- my work is based on it.