Yet another TypeScript esoteric programming language.
Install the dependencies:
npm install
- To run a specific file:
npm run rizz <FILENAME>
- To run in REPL mode:
npm run rizz
Examples can be found at examples
directory. To run them, use the following command:
npm run rizz ./examples/<FILENAME>
Both versions of the language are present:
- The base version of the language (with the haha keywords)transcribed.rizz
- The transcribed version of the language (with the original interpreter's keywords)
RizzScript features a custom interpreter built fully in TypeScript.
Interpreter can interpret regular, the usual keywords (see more in /examples/transcribed.rizz
) and the brainrot and slang words (see more further or in /examples/base.rizz
Have fun!
Mutable variables are created using bet
keyword. Variables are assigned using is
bet x is 10 ahh
Constant variables can be created using based
based y is 20 ahh
Note: You can only use ahh
on declaring a variable.
Strings can be created with double quotes:
bet x is "hello, world!" ahh
You can also insert variables using the glue()
bet x is 0 ahh
bet y is glue("hello, ", x) ahh // "hello, user"
You can use RizzScript helper functions to manipulate strings:
bet x is haircut(" hello ") ahh // "hello"
bet y is slash("hello,world", ",") ahh // ["hello", "world"]
Numbers are created as usual:
bet x is 10 ahh
bet aura is 20 ahh
bet guysAura is aura lose x ahh // 10
guysAura is guysAura gain x // 20
bet y is digits("123") ahh // 123
Null value is represented by npc
bet x is npc ahh // null
Booleans are created using deadass
and cap
bet x is deadass ahh // true
bet y is cap ahh // false
Objects are created using curly braces {}
. Objects support referencing variables:
bet x is deadass ahh
based obj is { "key": cap, x } ahh
obj.key is deadass
yap(obj.key) // true
Getting/setting dynamic keys is possible using global gang
gang.get(obj, "key") // e.g. true
gang.set(obj, "key", false) // e.g. { "key": false }
You can also get info on the keys of an object using gang
gang.hasKey(obj, "key1") // e.g. true
gang.keys(obj) // e.g. ["key1", "key2", "key3"]
Arrays contain information without keys. They are created using square brackets []
bet arr is [1, 2, 3] ahh
arr[0] = 5
yap(arr) // [5, 2, 3]
Array's indexes start at 0.
Lengths of strings, objects and arrays can be accessed using len
global function:
bet x is "hello" ahh
bet y is [1, 2, 3] ahh
bet z is { "key": "value" } ahh
len(x) // 5
len(y) // 3
len(z) // 1
Comments are created using //
// This is a comment
Or using /* */
/* This is a
multiline comment */
Function are created using rizz
rizz sayHello() {
bet x is "hello" ahh
sayHello() // "hello"
We, at RizzScript, believe that return
is too mainstream. Instead, our supreme functions return the last value emitted.
rizz bruh(a, b) {
a gain b // will do nothing
a lose b // is returned
Functions can be ran after a specified timespan using lag
lag(rizz() {
yap("a few seconds later...")
}, 1500)
Functions can also be ran continously using yappachino
yappachino(rizz() {
yap("spams every second...")
}, 1000)
Design of the if statements in RizzScript is very human.:
sus (5 fr 5) {
yap("5 is 5")
} goon sus (5 nah 2) {
yap("5 is not 2")
} goon sus (1 fr 3 maybe 1 fr 1) {
yap("1 is 3 or 1")
} goon sus (1 fr 3 btw 1 fr 1) {
yap("1 is 1 and 3. i think something is wrong xd")
} goon {
yap("no way you reached here")
Loops in RizzScript are very simple:
grind (bet x is 0 ahh x smol 10 ahh x up) {
We believe you should be responsible for your own loops. Therefore, we don't provide break
or continue
keyword functionality to loops.
Try catch blocks are also very human:
fuck_around {
yap(npc gain skibidi)
} find_out {
π Cannot resolve skibidi as it does not exist.
Note: find_out
doesn't return anything, as "error" is a global variable.
Utilize math by using nerd
yap(nerd.random(0, 100)) // integer from 0-100
yap(nerd.sqrt(144)) // 12
yap(nerd.pi) // 3.141592653589793
yap(nerd.e) // 2.718281828459045
We also added helper functions for your anxiety:
yap(nerd.ceil(3.4)) // 4
yap(nerd.round(3.9)) // 4
yap(nerd.abs(-2)) // 2
You can also simplify your math equations:
x stack 5 // +=
y london 6 // -=
z ratio 2 // /=
i up // ++
i down // --
You can lock_in
data from another RizzScript file:
bet bro is lock_in("./bro.rizz") ahh
The last value emitted in a file will be the exported data:
rizz brosYapping1() {
yap("RizzScript is bussin")
rizz brosYapping2() {
yap("on god xd")
If imported, the result will be an object, from which you can use obj.brosYapping1 and obj.brosYapping2
Use hit_up
to make HTTP requests:
hit_up("https://example.rizz/")(rizz(data) {
You can also set the method, body and content type:
{ method: "POST",
body: "{\"rizzscript\":\"on_god\"}",
content_type: "application/json" })
(rizz(data) {
Use regex
to match a string with a regular expression pattern:
bet str is "hello world" ahh
bet matches is regex.match(str, "hello") ahh
yap(matches) // ["hello"]
Or replace a string with a regex pattern:
bet str is "hello world" ahh
yap(regex.replace(str, "world", "everybody")) // "hello everybody"
Rizz Object Notation π£οΈπ―π₯ can be used with the rzon
rzon.parse("{\"rizzscript\": \"on_god\"}") // { rizzscript: "on_god" }
rzon.parse("[1, 2, 3]") // [1, 2, 3]
rzon.stringify({ rizzscript: "on_god" }) // '{"rizzscript": "on_god"}'
rzon.stringify([1, 2, 3]) // "[1, 2, 3]"
RizzScript supports ternary operator using then
bet x is 10 ahh
bet y is x thicc 15 then "thicc" maybe "smol" ahh
Exit the program using exit()
// π₯ srsly bruh...
- Huge thanks to Tyler Laceby for creating the Guide to Interpreters!
- FaceDev for the idea
- DreamBerd for the inspiration
Created with love by incandesc3nce π