BGG is the biggest board game (and not only) encyclopedia. If you want information about a tabletop game, that is the right place.
Thousands of users all over the world comment and review games so that other users can evaluate a game before buying it... But hundreds of comments are not rated by users and this makes the general review of a game not properly correct.
In this notebook we tried to give a rate to all those unrated comments and assigned to the hottest (top 50) games, a more accurate rating
In each page on, a detailed list of information is returned for each game, such as:
- Number of players,
- Playing time,
- Designer,
- …
Also, users can add their own reviews in order to share their thought about the game in subject or simple comments that do not have a rating but in some way are another instruments for the site’s users to let others know what they think about the game.
Our idea is to assign a hypothetical score to these comments in order to better understand the users’ preferences.
What we thought about is to use all the ratings available on the platform (with text and score) in order to fine-tune a pre-trained model and use it to give a score to the un-rated comments
In this way learning on top of the ratings:
We can assign a score to simple comments like this:
Let's start collecting the hottest games in order to get some titles to get reviews and comments from with:
hot_array = get_hot_data()
and then let's use this list to get corresponding reviews and comment using another utility function:
comments_df = get_comments(hot_array, verbose=10) # verbose=10 means print a row each 10 iterations
Remove URLs from ratings/comments
comments_df['value'] = [re.sub(r"http\S+", "", v) for v in comments_df.value.values]
Remove comments under a specific length
comments_df = remove_short_comments(comments_df, MIN_COMMENT_LEN)
Let's split rated and not-rated comments:
# get rated comments only
rated_comments = comments_df.query('rating != "N/A"')
# get non rated comments only
not_rated_comments = comments_df.query('rating == "N/A"').reset_index(drop=True)
We decided to use a scikit-learn wrapper in order to have access to the GridSearchCV method that performs a training based on Cross Validation check, in this way we can be sure that the performances we get are not influenced by the training/validation split
def build_classifier():
return build_model(hub_layer=None, pre_trained_model_name=MODEL_NAME, model_type='classifier', verbose=0)
estimator = KerasClassifier(build_fn=build_classifier, epochs=100, batch_size=1024, verbose=2, validation_split=VAL_FRACTION)
x_train_clf = np.array(list(rated_comments.value))
y_train_clf = np.array(list((rated_comments.rating.astype(float)>=GOOD_REVIEW_THRESHOLD).astype(int)))
clf = GridSearchCV(
), y_train_clf, callbacks=[tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_accuracy', patience=5, min_delta=0.001)])
The resulting model returned the following training charts:
![]() |
![]() |
and we can be quite confident saying it is a good model.
Let's now try to train a classifier instead using a very similar approach:
def build_regressor():
return build_model(hub_layer, pre_trained_model_name=MODEL_NAME, model_type='regressor', verbose=0)
estimator = KerasRegressor(build_fn=build_regressor, epochs=100, batch_size=512, verbose=0, validation_split=VAL_FRACTION)
x_train_reg = np.array(list(rated_comments.value))
y_train_reg = np.array(list(rated_comments.rating.astype(float)))
clf = GridSearchCV(
), y_train_reg, callbacks=[tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_mean_squared_error', patience=5, min_delta=0.001)])
that returns the following training chart (here loss and metric - mean squared error - match):
not_rated_comments = not_rated_comments.sample(frac=1)
inputs = list(not_rated_comments.value.astype(str))[:10]
clf_results = classifier.predict(inputs, verbose=0)
reg_results = regressor.predict(inputs, verbose=0)
for i in range(len(inputs)):
reg score: {reg_results[i]:.2f}
clf score: {clf_results[i][0]}
looking at some comments and evaluating the scores assigned by the two models we can easily notice that regressor is a bit more accurate and the scores assigned are more reasonable. For this reasons we decided to continue the study with the regressor
Let's use the regressor to assign a rating to all the not-rated comments and now we are ready to combine original reviews with just scored comments.
We can now look at the new resulting top 5 with something like:
display_topn(by='fixed_rating', n=TOP_N, ascending=False)
exclude non-english comments/reviewsexclude very short comments/reviewsadded regressorcompare regressor vs classifierclip regressor results- LSTM in build_model
- find a better (faster) way to get all comments for hottest games
- test tensorflow/decision-forests