Intercom can be installed in your web app to help you chat to logged-in and logged-out users.
Full configuration options can be found here.
require Intercom
# Generate the full Intercom snippet
%{email: "[email protected]"}, # Key value pairs identifying your user.
app_id: "<your app id>", # Your app's identifier.
secret: "<your secret key>" # Your app's secret key. This enables secure mode
For example, this shows how to generate the web snippet in a Phoenix web app:
defmodule HelloPhoenix.PageController do
use HelloPhoenix.Web, :controller
require Intercom
plug :intercom
def index(conn, _params) do
# Intercom injectable via <%= raw @intercom %>
render conn, "index.html"
defp intercom(conn, _params) do
{:ok, snippet} = Intercom.snippet(
%{email: "[email protected]"},
app_id: "<your app id>",
secret: "<your secret>"
assign(conn, :intercom, snippet)
The Intercom REST API provides full access to Intercom resources. This library provides a thin wrapper over httpoison:
require Intercom.Client
hackney: Intercom.Client.auth("<personal access token>", "")
If you already have an access token you can find it here. If you want to create or learn more about access tokens then you can find more info here
If you are building a third party application you will need to use OAuth by following the steps in setting-up-oauth for Intercom.
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