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Ionide 4.0 change log

Krzysztof Cieślak edited this page Jun 22, 2019 · 3 revisions


  • Implement onHover Info Panel update


  • Remove workspaceMode setting - we always use FSAC based search to detect projects or solutions in workspace
  • Remove workspaceLoader setting - we always use FSAC workspace based project loading.
  • Set fsacRuntime to netcore by default - recommended way of using Ionide 4.0 is running it on .Net Core. .Net SDK is only strict requirement.
  • Remove logLanguageServiceRequests and logLanguageServiceRequestsOutputWindowLevel settings - due to the fact Ionide is really thin layer we now use LSP based logging (hidden setting: "FSharp.trace.server":"verbose") and additional FSAC logging (verboseLogging)
  • Remove toolsDirPath setting - it was never used anyway
  • SetexternalAutocomplete to false by default - first of all the feature was not working too well (often inserting the repeated namespaces), secondly it caused responsiveness problems (just due to the fact it was huge number of suggestions on even small projects - it turns out there are lot of entities in .Net Framework)
  • Replace enableBackgroundSymbolCache setting with enableBackgroundServices and set it to true by default - there has been huge FSAC refactoring around Background Service that should positivly impact Ionide responsiveness (potential cost is RAM usage)
  • Set enableReferenceCodeLens to true by default - as enableBackgroundServices is true by default, we can enable additional Code Lenses as well.
  • Remove customTypecheckingDelay setting
  • Remove disableInMemoryProjectReferences setting
  • F#: New Project command now creates F# Core projects
  • Improve support for FAKE scripts
  • Add FAKE Target outline for FAKE scripts

Internal changes:

  • Use LSP as communication protocol
  • Use Dotnet.ProjInfo.Workspace as only way to parse project files
  • Use .Net Core version of Forge
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